Romanian youth (2014)


Youth’s socio-economic situation. Free time and lifestyle. School and profession. Concerns and aspirations. Values. Religiosity. Democracy and politics, civic and political participation. Governance and development. Topics: 1. Free time and lifestyle: development of the country in the right or in the wrong direction; hours watched TV every day; internet access; hours per day for internet usage overall; main purposes for internet usage; amount of money per month for selected activities; personal values (e.g. independence, career, engagement in politics, own appearance); smoker status; frequency of alcohol consumption; sexual relations; usage of contraceptives; opinion on sexual abstinence (abstaining from sex before marriage); acceptance of homosexuals and lesbians; opinion on abortion. 2. Religion: level of trust in family members, relatives, friends, neighbors, colleagues, people of other religions or with different political beliefs, religious leaders and members of other ethnic groups in Romania); experience of discrimination due to selected reasons; values the respondent appreciates primarily, secondarily and thirdly; personal engagement in voluntary activities and kind of these voluntary activities; denomination; belief in: the existence of God, heaven and hell, God created the world, God is the source of moral rules and obligations; frequency of religious practice. 3. Family and friends: respondent lives alone or with both parents, only with mother, only with father, with spouse / partner or with friends / relatives; preference for living alone or with parents; relationship to parents; family member with the most influence on decision the respondent takes on important issues; decision on important issues together with parents or alone or parents decide for everything; expected personal family situation (e.g. married with own family); adequate age for marriage for women and men; desired number of children; importance of factors in choosing own husband / wife; part of a group of friends; satisfaction with own social network; situations of violent conflicts in the past year (e.g. with other young people in the neighborhood). 4. Concerns and aspirations: willingness to immigrate abroad; most desired country to immigrate; main reason to emigrate from Romania; expected personal situation in 10 years. 5. School and profession: enrollment in any educational institutions or continuing studies (school, high school, vocational school, University, Master/PhD); self-rated motivation towards school; assessment of a typical day at school, high school or university; average grade during the last academic year; existence of a phenomenon of ´purchasing/buying´ school grades and exams; number of hours for studies; kind of private courses during the last academic year; foreign language learned in private lessons; find a job immediately after graduating school, high school or university; satisfied with the quality of the Romanian education system; part-time or full time employment; working hours per week; working in profession obtained; preferred sector of employment; ranking of important factors to find a job in Romania (connections / friends, professional abilities and experience, education level, political connections, luck or other factor); ranking of important factors to accept a certain job (income, employment certainty, possibility to work with people you like, satisfaction with work, other); intention to start own business in the next two years; preferred field for own business; main reason to start own business. 6. Democracy and politics: frequency of political discussion with family, friends and colleagues; similarity of own political beliefs with those of the parents; frequency of participation in elections; political interest; participation in protest forms: most important topic for protest; willingness to take part in protests; influence of the own vote on the way institutions on central and local level are managed; main sources of political information; left-right self-placement; feeling of being represented by young politicians; trust in selected institutions, organizations, countries and persons (Political parties, Parliament, Government, mayor, Prosecutor General of Romania, Police, Church, Judges, Romanian mass media, trade unions, NGOs, USA, Army, EU, NATO, Russian Federation); satisfaction with democracy in Romania. 7. Governance and development: seriousness of selected problems in Romanian society (e.g. poverty, unemployment, environment pollution, terrorist threat, HIV/AIDS pandemic, conditions in state medical assistance / health system, improper implementation of the laws, job insecurity); expected economic situation of the country in the next 10 years; parent’s current economic situation compared to 5 years ago and expected economic situation of parents in 5 years; expected own economic situation in 5 years. Demography: gender; age; nationality (ethnicity); number of children; marital status; highest educational qualification of respondent and parents; current school status; grade of high school; year of undergraduate student at university, Master’s degree or Doctor’s degree student; current occupational status and occupation of father and mother; possession of bicycle, tablet, internet connection at home, cable TV or satellite TV at home, portable modem for internet, land-line phone and mobile phone; household size; number of desktop PCs and laptops in the household; possession of a car and number of cars; parents own a car and number of cars; number of rooms; number of books; current living arrangement; own room; monthly expenses of household for food, clothing, school, entertainment and utilities; employment status; situation of those who work but in parallel also go to a form of school; occupation; type of work contract; overtime pay or extra days off when working overtime or on weekends; net income during the last month; profile of the school (only for pupils); main field of study at university; self-rated social class of respondent and parents and main factor for this classification; expected economic status compared to economic status of parents; successful in Romania or in another country in 10 years and country. Additionally coded was: questionnaire ID; residential settlement; large historical regions.

Sozioökonomische Situation der rumänischen Jugend. Freizeit und Lebenstil. Schule und Beruf. Anliegen und Bestrebungen. Werte. Religiosität. Demokratie und Politik, bürgerliche und politische Partizipation. Regierung und Entwicklung. Demographie: Geschlecht; Alter; Staatsangehörigkeit (Ethnizität); Kinderzahl; Familienstand; höchster Bildungsabschluss des Befragten und seiner Eltern; derzeitiger Schulstatus; Klassenstufe des Gymnasiums; Jahr als Bachelor-Student an der Universität, Master-Student oder Promovent; aktuelle berufliche Stellung und Beruf des Vaters und der Mutter; Besitz von Fahrrad, Tablet, Internet-Anschluss zu Hause, Kabel-TV oder Satelliten-TV zu Hause, tragbarem Modem für Internet, Festnetz-Telefon und Mobiltelefon; Haushaltsgröße; Anzahl von Desktop-PCs und Laptops im Haushalt; Autobesitz und Anzahl der Autos; Eltern besitzen ein Auto und Anzahl der Autos; Anzahl der Räume; Anzahl der Bücher; aktuelle Wohnform; eigenes Zimmer; monatliche Ausgaben des Haushalts für Lebensmittel, Kleidung, Schule, Unterhaltung und Energieversorgung; Arbeitsverhältnis; Situation von Befragten, die eine Schulform besuchen und parallel arbeiten; Beruf; Art des Arbeitsvertrags; Vergütung von Überstunden oder zusätzliche freie Tage im Fall von Überstunden oder Arbeit am Wochenende; Nettoverdienst im letzten Monat; Schulform bzw. Profil der Schule (nur für Schüler); Hauptfach an der Universität; Selbsteinschätzung der Schichtzugehörigkeit und Einschätzung der Schichtzugehörigkeit der Eltern; Hauptfaktor für die jeweilige Einordnung; erwarteter wirtschaftlicher Status im Vergleich zum wirtschaftlichen Status der Eltern; erfolgreich in Rumänien oder in einem anderen Land in 10 Jahren; Angabe des Landes. Zusätzlich verkodet wurde: Fragebogen-ID; städtische oder ländliches Wohnumfeld; Zuordnung große historische Regionen.

Probability: MultistageProbability.Multistage

Wahrscheinlichkeitsauswahl: Mehrstufige ZufallsauswahlProbability.Multistage

Face-to-face interviewInterview.FaceToFace

Persönliches InterviewInterview.FaceToFace

Metadata Access
Creator Sandu, Daniel; Stoica, Cătălin Augustin; Umbreş, Radu; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)
Publisher GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences; GESIS Datenarchiv für Sozialwissenschaften
Publication Year 2016
Rights 0 - Data and documents are released for everybody.; 0 - Daten und Dokumente sind für jedermann freigegeben.
OpenAccess true
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage Romania; Rumänien