This folder consists of the data accompanying the journal article: The effects of feedback on children's engagement and learning outcomes in robot-assisted second language learning
Method: The study was a within-subjects design, where all participants (children of around 5 years old) were assigned to all feedback strategies/conditions (each session a different strategy). The strategies for providing feedback were based on a survey asking student teachers how they would make the robot provide feedback in situations comparable to the ones in this experiment. The order of the feedback strategies and word sets were counterbalanced using a 3 × 3 latin-square to reduce an order effect. The three strategies/conditions were
1. Preferred (by the teachers) feedback
2. Dispreferred (by the teachers) feedback
3. No feedback.
Each child received three sessions with the robot, and could learn
18 words in total and 6 in each session.
Children did a comprehension task as pre-test (score out of 18) and a post-test at least two weeks after the last session (score out of 18). They also did an in-game test after each session (score out of 6).
All sessions were recorded and half of the videos were afterwards manually annotated on task- and robot-engagement (score out of 9).
Please note that we removed children who scored higher than 9 words correct on the pre-test.
Universe: All 56 participants were monolingual native Dutch speaking children and between 5 and 6 years old, M = 5 years and 6 months, SD = 5 months. There were 28 boys and 28 girls.