The Africa Supply and Use Tables Database is supported by the research initiative "Structural Transformation and Economic Growth" (STEG/CEPR). Any errors or omissions are entirely the responsibility of the GGDC (Groningen Growth and Development Centre)
When using these data (for whatever purpose), please make the following reference:
Mensah, E. B., and G. J. de Vries (2024). "The Role of Exports for Income and Job Creation in Sub-Saharan African Countries: New Evidence using the Africa Supply and Use Tables Database" GGDC research memorandum 197.
User information
The ASUT includes the following data:
South Africa
Supply table in basic prices (SUP)
Use table in basic prices (USE_bas)
Agriculture, ISIC Rev. 4 code: A
Mining, ISIC Rev. 4 code: B
Food, ISIC Rev. 4 code: C10t12
Textiles, ISIC Rev. 4 code: C13t15
Wood, ISIC Rev. 4 code: C16t18
Fuel, ISIC Rev. 4 code: C19t22
Metals, ISIC Rev. 4 code: C23t25
Electronics, ISIC Rev. 4 code: C26t27
Machinery, ISIC Rev. 4 code: C28
Transportation equipment, ISIC Rev. 4 code: C29t30
Other manufacturing, ISIC Rev. 4 code: C31t33
Utilities, ISIC Rev. 4 code: DtE
Construction, ISIC Rev. 4 code: F
Trade, ISIC Rev. 4 code: GnI
Transport, ISIC Rev. 4 code: H
Business services, ISIC Rev. 4 code: JnMN
Financial services, ISIC Rev. 4 code: K
Real estate, ISIC Rev. 4 code: L
Public administration, ISIC Rev. 4 code: OtQ
Other services, ISIC Rev. 4 code: RtU
Other Variables
Household consumption, Code: xCONS_h
Government consumption, Code: xCONS_g
Gross fixed capital formation, Code: xGFCF
Changes in inventories, Code: xINV
Exports, Code: xX
Imports, Code: xM
Total Supply at Basic Prices, Code: xSUP_bas
Trade and Transport Margins, Code: xMRG
Taxes less Subsidies on products, Code: xTXSP
Total Supply at Purchaser Prices, Code: xSUP_pur
Intermediate Inputs, Code: xII
Value Added, Code: xVA
Gross Output, Code: xGO
ISO countrycode, Code: cnt
Domestic or imported, Code: Dom_Imp
Time period
The dataset covers tables from 1990 to 2019.