This dataset comes from a collection of 354 maize inbred lines corresponding to the "Public Amaizing Dent Panel". This panel includes: (i) 254 inbred lines from "Drops panel" assembled in the frame of F7P European project DROPs (FP7-244374, PI: F. Tardieu) and (ii) 100 dent lines assembled with “Drops panel” in the frame of ANR PIA Amaizing (ANT-10-BTBR-01, PI: A. Charcosset) in order to enlarge genetic diversity and flowering time variation. The panel was assessed in two consecutive field experiments (spring-summer 2015 and 2016) for flowering-related traits. Two subpanels of 327 lines and 276 lines were grown respectively in autumn 2014 and spring 2015 in the Phenoarch platform and evaluated for both flowering traits and transcript levels of four flowering regulators (ZCN8, ZCN7, ZCN12 and ZmCONZ1) at two different developmental stages (L4 and L7).
Along with high-throughput genotypic data (Nicolas et al., 2019,, this dataset was used to perform GWAS to detect expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) and flowering time QTLs, with the ultimate goal of determining if florigen expression and flowering time share a common genetic architecture (Casteletti & Coupel-Ledru et al., submitted).