Data Seal of Approval (DSA)
The Data Seal of Approval (DSA) is a certification for repositories which in 2018 together with the ICSU Word Data System (WDS) was merged into CoreTrustSeal... -
gereviewde datasets in EASY
Peer review en recensies beperken zich doorgaans tot wetenschappelijke publicaties. De databestanden waarop wetenschappelijk onderzoek is gebaseerd, worden zelden expliciet... -
IDEABench: Benchmark Dataset for Mapping Deprived Urban Areas
The rapid urbanization across many regions worldwide has significantly increased the spread of deprived urban areas, often called slums or informal settlements. The lack of... -
Jason 1779
Hoofddoel van het CLIWOC-project was het benutten van klimaatgegevens uit scheepsjournaals voor het aanleggen van een database van dagelijkse weer-observaties voor oceanen uit... -
This data includes all datasets and codes for implementing spatial+ cross-validation experiments. Except for datasets (Brazil Amazon basion AGB dataset and California houseprice... -
Ten years profile soil moisture and temperature measurements in Twente
The Twente region in the east of the Netherlands hold a network that monitors since 2009 profile soil moisture and temperature at twenty locations mostly in the rural... -
TOP10NL, digitaal topografisch bestand - versie 2009
TOP10NL is een digitaal topografisch bestand, bruikbaar op een schaalniveau tussen 1:5.000 en 1:25.000. DANS en het Kadaster werken samen met betrekking tot het duurzaam... -
Monitoring water migration in crispy snacks using NIR
In this project a prelimenary image preprocessing pipeline was developed to analyze Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Imaging data of components of crispy snacks, when imaged under... -
Source code and data relevant for the paper 'Learning Register Automata with ...
The dataset contains source code and data relevant for the journal extension of the conference paper "Learning Register Automata with Fresh Value Generation". The journal was... -
Unmanned Aerial System Imagery, Land Data and User Needs: A Socio-Technical A...
The dataset includes spatial as well as qualitative data of a socio-technical study in Rwanda, aiming to determine the match between stakeholders’ needs and the characteristics... -
Monitoring Soil Surface Mineralogy at Different Moisture Conditions Using Vis...
Visible near-infrared imaging spectroscopy is capable of assessing spectral Soil constituents that are responsible for the organo-mineral interactions. In this study, we... -
TOP10NL, digitaal topografisch bestand - versie 2010
TOP10NL is een digitaal topografisch bestand, bruikbaar op een schaalniveau tussen 1:5.000 en 1:25.000. DANS en het Kadaster werken samen met betrekking tot het duurzaam... -
Crustal and upper mantle structure of Botswana: is Botswana rifting?
Our knowledge of the Earth's crust and upper mantle is derived largely from geophysical observations (e.g., seismology, gravity, etc.). Constraining the physical conditions of... -
A drone survey was conducted in February 2023 at the city center of Bhopal City, Madhya Pradesh, India. The main objective of this survey is to better automate urban scene... -
Rock Sample Surface Preparation Influences Thermal Infrared Spectra
Data of Rost, E.; Hecker, C.; Schodlok, M.C.; Van der Meer, F.D. Rock Sample Surface Preparation Influences Thermal Infrared Spectra. Minerals 2018, 8, 475. Date: 2018-10-23... -
Collaborative Geo-Visual Analytics - web application prototype and statistica...
This project acknowledges that due to the ever increasing availability of geo-data and the complexity of analytical problems, the need to enable collaborative work among... -
The repository contains an updated version of the data set underlying the published article 'Sun, X., Zhao, W., Maretto, R.V. and Persello, C., 2021. Building polygon extraction... -
Source code and data relevant for the paper 'Model Learning as a Satisfiabili...
This datasets belongs to the following paper: Model Learning as a Satisfiability Modulo Theories Problem.URL = http://www.sws.cs.ru.nl/publications/papers/fvaan/SMT/main.pdf The... -
Its4land - Publish and Share platform
This dataset contains a self-hostable version of the "Publish and Share" platform - a cloud based platform for land administration workflows . It was developed as a part of the... -
High resolution remote sensing imagery and derived agricultural field boundar...
This dataset contains high resolution remote sensing imagery over selected areas within Ethiopia. It also contains the outputs of semi-automated methods that attempted to...