Inkomens- en budgetonderzoek Amsterdam 1990
P1066A: data of non open-ended questions/ P1066B data of open-ended questions. Type of household / family members / r.'s income / partners income / net income of household /... -
Project Ongekend Bijzonder, Den Haag, interview 30
geslacht: M land van herkomst: Iran leeftijd aankomst NL: 18 stad: Den Haag vluchtreden: onvrijheid / dictatuur relaties met eigen gemeenschap: familieleden en vrienden in Iran... -
Beroep( s ) sporttechnisch kader in sportverenigingen 1979
Exploration of functioning of professional sport-instructors in amateur sports clubs. Future possibilities and desirabilities. Opinions on professionalization at club level in... -
Bridging Cultures-Comparison between refugees from war and non-war countries v2
Since 2015 an increasing number of refugee children arrived in Germany. The federal government aims to facilitate these children’s access to German culture and language as early... -
Inspraak in de Zaanstreek 1971
Membership of and activities in organizations and clubs / sense of political efficacy ( local level ) / anomy / attitude towards politicians ( of local government ) / perception... -
Attituden ten aanzien van Duitsland 1997
Perception of, sympathy for different European countries / values and beliefs / experiences with meeting people from England, France, Belgium and in particular Germany /... -
Attention skill training in dutch children with dyslexia - Experiment 2
The manuscript addresses attention skill, as assessed with the ACT in children with dyslexia. For a full description of the reading and spelling remediation program, and all... -
Intelligence : Centerdata Telepanel
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to... -
Monitor Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs - WO-Monitor 2003
Survey of the destinations of university graduates, graduates from teacher training courses of universitites included. Educational career / working experience / further... -
Noël Chomel, Huishoudelyk woordboek (1743)
Huishoudelyk woordboek, vervattende vele middelen om zyn goed te vermeerderen, en zyne gezondheid te behouden […], door M. Noel Chomel, Priester en Pastoor der Parochie van St.... -
Networks Of Corporate Power: The Netherlands 1976
This dataset contains the network of interlocking directorates in the Netherlands. Stokman collected data about the largest 250 firms in the Netherlands for 1976. The top 50... -
Retail gasoline prices in the Netherlands 2005 - 2011
This dataset contains daily retail gasoline prices, for the fuel types diesel and euro95, in The Netherlands for the period October 1, 2005 to April 25, 2011 for almost every... -
Fantasio 1969
Characteristics of visitors to 'open youth club' / family background / relation to parents / pattern of visiting the club ( Fantasio ) / ( opinion ) on use of drugs. Background... -
Vrouwen in besluitvorming 2016 - VIB2016
Sinds het voorjaar 2000 laat het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau tweejaarlijks een onderzoek uitvoeren om het aandeel van vrouwen in besluitvormende posities in de markt en de... -
Cohabitation, an alternative to marriage ? 1983
Comparing heterosexual cohabitating couples with corresponding married couples ( 'matching' ) between 20 and 40 years old, on some social and psychological characteristics, in... -
Koran tempo
Daily newspaper, Indonesia Dit bestand is uitsluitend te raadplegen in de leeszaal van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (KITLV).DANS is... -
PRIMA Cohorten Basisonderwijs - PRIMA VI - 2004-2005
The research program "Cohortonderzoek Primair Onderwijs" (PRIMA) (Longitudinal Data Collection Primary Education) describes and explains the development of cognitive and social... -
Voluntary work : Centerdata Telepanel
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to... -
Attention skill training in dutch children with dyslexia - experiment 1
The dataset contains all raw data and corresponding standard scores used for analyses in the research described by Walda, Van Weerdenburg, Van der Ven, and Bosman (under... -
Verwijzing naar de data van: World values survey 1990 1995 2000 2005
Values and cultural changes in societies all over the world.Basic values and beliefs in a wide variety of areas. Broad topics covered are leisure, work, meaning and purpose of...