29,570 datasets found

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  • Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX)

    The Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX), a NASA Small Explorer mission, is performing the first all-sky, deep imaging and spectroscopic ultraviolet surveys in space. The prime...
  • Chandra X-ray Center Publishing Registry

    This registry provides a simple interface for data providers who wish to register a handful of resources. It is compliant with VOResource v0.10
  • ArVO Byurakan Registry

    The publishing registry for the ArVO Byurakan.

    EUV-SYN Synchronous synoptic maps of the corona in the extreme-UV (EUV), built from series of SoHO/EIT observations, in each of the 4 wavelength bands of the instrument....
  • Abundancy Vertical Profile at Titan with Cassini/CIRS

    This service publishes a set of vertical profiles through the atmosphere of Saturn's moon titan. Available are profiles of pressure and temperature on the one hand and profiles...

    GAIA-DEM GAIA-DEM is a database of Differential Emission Measure (DEM) maps. The DEM is a measure of the thermal structure of the coronal plasma, representing the quantity of...
  • Archive of the FAI AZT-8

    The archive of digitized plates obtained on AZT-8 at the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute (FAI), Almaty, Kazakhstan. They represent the results of photometric observations of...
  • PDS-PPI VO server SIAP Version 2 Service

    The PDS-PPI VO server's sitewide SIAP version 2 service publishes all the images published through the site. For more advanced queries including uploads, all this data is also...
  • H.E.S.S. DL3 public test data release 1

    The release consists of event lists and instrument response functions for observations of various well-known gamma-ray sources (the Crab nebula, PKS 2155-304, MSH...
  • Data Central SIA2

    Image cutouts from large format, multi-wavelength mosaics hosted by Data Central. The main datasets are mosaics from DEVILS and GAMA surveys, obtained from a variety of facilities.
  • LOFAR LBA Sky Survey First Release

    The Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) is the only existing radio interferometer able to observe at ultra-low frequencies (<100MHz) with high resolution (<15-arcsec) and high...
  • Herschel map cutouts

    Image maps from the Herschel Space Observatory.
  • XAO Data Center TAP service

    The XAO Data Center's TAP end point. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It...
  • Archive of the FAI 50 cm Meniskus Maksutov telescope

    The archive of digitized plates obtained on Wide aperture Maksutov meniscus telescope with main mirror 50 cm at the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute (FAI), Almaty, Kazakhstan....
  • Archive of the FAI Schmidt telescope (large camera)

    The archive of digitized plates obtained on Schmidt telescope (large camera) at the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute (FAI), Almaty, Kazakhstan. They represent the results of...
  • MOJAVE. Persistent polarization in AGN jets

    We analysed the parsec-scale linear polarization properties of 436 active galactic nuclei (AGN) based on 15GHz polarimetric Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations. We...
  • MAST STScI Hubble Source Catalog Version 2 (HSCv2) TAP service

    The MAST Archive at STScI TAP end point for the Hubble Source Catalog, version 2.1. The Hubble Source Catalog (HSC) is designed to optimize science from the Hubble Space...
  • SAO of RAS VOspace service

    This dataset has no description

  • SAO of RAS community service

    A RESTful web-service for signing on to the community. A SOAP web-service for determining a user's home space (obsolete). A web UI for managing the community.