Evolving wave networks for stealthy hyperuniform shielding and preferential a...
The design of stealthy hyperuniform (SHU) materials has been a critical topic in realizing bandgap materials without crystalline order. Most previous approaches to constructing... -
A data-driven perspective on the colours of metal-organic frameworks
Colour is at the core of chemistry and has been fascinating humans since ancient times. It is also a key descriptor of optoelectronic properties of materials and is used to... -
Local polarization in oxygen-deficient LaMnO3 induced by charge localization ...
The functional properties of transition metal perovskite oxides are known to result from a complex interplay of magnetism, polarization, strain, and stoichiometry. Here, we show... -
Predicting Product Distribution of Propene Dimerization in Nanoporous Materia...
Project abstract: In this work, a theoretical framework is developed to explain and predict changes in the product distribution of the propene dimerization reaction, which... -
Data-powered augmented volcano plots for homogeneous catalysis
Transitioning from small-scale to big-data studies has the potential to reveal new layers of intricacy that better facilitate and rationalize catalytic behavior. Given the... -
Band gap engineering in blended organic semiconductor films based on dielectr...
Blending organic molecules to tune their energy levels is currently investigated as an approach to engineer the bulk and interfacial optoelectronic properties of organic... -
Multi-scale approach for the prediction of atomic scale properties
Electronic nearsightedness is one of the fundamental principles that governs the behavior of condensed matter and supports its description in terms of local entities such as... -
Influence of the triangular Mn-O breathing mode on magnetic ordering in multi...
We use a combination of symmetry analysis, phenomenological modeling, and first-principles density functional theory to explore the interplay between the magnetic ground state... -
Complex magnetic structure and spin waves of the noncollinear antiferromagnet...
Mn₅Si₃ displays an unusual and complex magnetic ground state, which is considered to be the origin of the anomalous transport and thermodynamic properties that it exhibits. We... -
Limits to scaling relations between adsorption energies?
Linear scaling relations have led to an understanding of trends in catalytic activity and selectivity of many reactions in heterogeneous and electro-catalysis. Yet, linear... -
Low-temperature crystallography and vibrational properties of rozenite (FeSO₄...
Rozenite (FeSO₄·4H₂O) is a candidate mineral component of the polyhydrated sulfate deposits on the surface and in the subsurface of Mars. In order to better understand its... -
Enhancing sub-bandgap external quantum efficiency by photomultiplication for ...
Detection of electromagnetic signals for applications such as health, product quality monitoring or astronomy requires highly responsive and wavelength selective devices.... -
EAM potential for Hf-Nb-Ta-Zr high-entropy alloy
This is a LAMMPS readable EAM type potential file for Hf-Nb-Ta-Zr based high-entropy alloys (HEAs). In this potential file the elements are sequenced as Hf, Nb, Ta and Zr,... -
Full daytime sub-ambient radiative cooling in commercial-like paints with hig...
Radiative cooling is a passive cooling technology by reflecting sunlight and emitting radiation in the sky window. Although highly desired, full daytime sub-ambient radiative... -
A mobile soil analysis system for sustainable agriculture
For optimizing production yield while limiting negative environmental impact, sustainable agriculture benefits greatly from real-time, on-the-spot analysis of soil at low cost.... -
MD trajectories of bulk water and of the water-vacuum interface
This entry provides MD trajectories for bulk water and the water-vacuum interface generated with ab initio molecular dynamics using rVV10 density functional at the temperature... -
Defect Formation Energies of Interstitial C, Si, and Ge Impurities in β-Ga2O3
We investigate formation energies of C, Si, and Ge defects in β-Ga2O3 through hybrid functional calculations. We find that the interstitial defects of these elements generally... -
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This record contained data and/or metadata that may have infringed upon the copyright of the publisher of the corresponding article. A new version of this record is available... -
Reaction pathway of oxygen evolution on Pt(1 1 1) revealed through constant F...
The pathway of the oxygen evolution reaction at the Pt(1 1 1)/water interface is disclosed through constant Fermi level molecular dynamics. Upon the application of a positive... -
In silico design of three-dimensional porous covalent organic frameworks via ...
Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are a class of advanced nanoporous polymeric materials which combine the crystallinity of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) with the stability...