This is one out of 165 recordings done in the DGS-Korpus project (http://dgs-korpus.de) from 2010 to 2012 to collect a corpus of DGS (German Sign Language). The recording took... -
Mehr milde Winter im Wattenmeer: Was folgt daraus für das Ökosystem?
Mehr milde Winter im Wattenmeer: Was folgt daraus für das Ökosystem? Strenge Eiswinter bedeuten für die Ökologie des Wattenmeeres ein Extremereignis. Frost... -
Bombina orientalis ZMH A12435 (larva), Azan-stained histological serial sections
Species: Bombina orientalis Collection number: ZMH A12435 Developmental stage: larval, Gosner (1960) stage 41 Institution of origin: Zoologisches Museum Hamburg Data:... -
Miletus Documentation Manual: Surveying, Forms, Find Processing and iDAI.field 2
This manual has been created in the course of the DFG and ANR funded project 'Life Forms in the Megapolis: Miletus in the Longue Durée' (MegaMil) led by Prof. Dr.... -
Elicitation materials and their use in sign language linguistics
This poster presents an overview and discussion of elicitation materials used in sign language data collections. -
Conference report: Middle and Mixed Arabic: A Typology of Genres and Intended...
Conference report: Middle and Mixed Arabic: A Typology of Genres and Intended Recipients, Bratislava, 20–23 September 2022 -
Commented Learner Corpus Academic Writing; Kommentiertes Lernendenkorpus akad...
Authentic texts written by students of the University of Hamburg as part of their studies, the students have various L1 languages and study various subjects, all of the texts... -
Pseudacris triseriata CAS 188145, iodine-stained CT volume
Species: Pseudacris triseriata Collection number: CAS 188145 Institution of origin: California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco Data: CT volume of iodine-stained specimen... -
Form- und Bewegungskräfte in Kunst, Literatur und Wissenschaft
Der Umgang mit Kräften gehört zum Grundinventar künstlerischer Verfahren. Im formgebenden und bewegenden Zugriff auf Material prägen sie sich konkret aus,... -
Analogy as Driving Force of Language Change. A Usage-Based Approach to Wo and...
Dataset used in the paper Gillmann, Melitta (forthcoming): "Analogy as Driving Force of Language Change. A Usage-Based Approach... -
How to: Importieren einer Texttranskription
Dieses Dokument erklärt, wie Transkriptionen der gesprochener Sprache, die mithilfe eines Texteditors oder Textverarbeitungsprogramms erstellt wurden, in den... -
Jug (3D-Scan, MK&G: 1954.89)
ID: MK&G 1954.89 Object type: jug with handle in copper-red luster decor Origin: Iran, probably Gurgan Date/Period: 12-13 century c.E., Il-Khanid Material: ceramic... -
Conference Report: Gotha Manuscript Workshop: Alchemy in the Islamicate World...
Conference Report: Gotha Manuscript Workshop: Alchemy in the Islamicate World, Gotha, 28–29 September 2018 -
Book Review: G. Muradyan, David the Invincible Commentary on Porphyry's Isago...
Book Review: G. Muradyan, David the Invincible Commentary on Porphyry’s Isagoge: Old Armenian Text with the Greek Original, an English Translation, Introduction and Notes,... -
WARNSIGNAL KLIMA: Die Lawinengefahr im Klimawandel
Lawinen zählen zu den Naturgefahren. Natürliche Lawinen entstehen im Winter meist dann, wenn es heftig schneit oder taut. Kürzere Winter und generell weniger... -
Conference Report: Preliminary Considerations on the Corpus Coranicum Christi...
Conference Report: Preliminary Considerations on the Corpus Coranicum Christianum. The Qur’an in Translation – A Survey of the State of the Art, Berlin, 5–7... -
This is one out of 165 recordings done in the DGS-Korpus project (http://dgs-korpus.de) from 2010 to 2012 to collect a corpus of DGS (German Sign Language). The recording took... -
DWbDG-MA 2020
DWbDG-MA 2020 data set (current version) -
Conference Report: The Zograf Library and Archives: Research Approaches to Di...
Conference Report: The Zograf Library and Archives: Research Approaches to Digitizing, Cataloguing, and Editing the Sources, Sofia, 27–28 October 2017