A Branch-and-Cut algorithm for an urban dial-a-ride problem - instance data
This data set includes the instances used in the paper "A Branch-and-Cut algorithm for an urban dial-a-ride problem". -
Parameterfixierung im Deutschen und Spanischen (PAIDUS)
Audio recordings of five German and six Spanish speaking monolingual children. For the German children there are 176 recordings (interviewer/child interaction), on an average... -
Bodenversiegelung und Änderung des natürlichen Wasserkreislaufs
Das Bedecken des natürlichen Bodens mit Beton, Asphalt oder Steinen wird als Bodenversiegelung oder Flächenversiegelung bezeichnet. Dadurch ist der Boden fast oder... -
Leptodactylus latinasus CAS-SUA 11507, unstained CT volume
Species: Leptodactylus latinasus Collection number: CAS-SUA 11507 Institution of origin: California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco Data: CT volume of unstained specimen... -
Tomb stone of Ali ibn Saad (3D Scan, MK&G: 2021.46)
ID: MK&G 2021.46 Object type: tomb stone Origin: Egypt, probably Fustat Date/Period: 835 c.E. Abbassid Material: Marble Measurements: 58 cm (height); 46,3 cm (width)... -
Microhyla nepenthicola ZMH A11647, unstained CT volume
Species: Microhyla nepenthicola Collection number: ZMH A11647 Institution of origin: Zoologisches Museum Hamburg Data: CT volume of unstained specimen Coverage: full... -
Nachhaltigkeit im Kontext von Mindless Eating
Working Paper Series "Sustainable Lives - Food Choices" Project website Dieses Working Paper entstand als Projektbericht im Seminar „Nachhaltige... -
Commented Learner Corpus Academic Writing; Kommentiertes Lernendenkorpus akad...
Authentic texts written by students of the University of Hamburg as part of their studies, the students have various L1 languages and study various subjects, all of the texts... -
This is one out of 165 recordings done in the DGS-Korpus project (http://dgs-korpus.de) from 2010 to 2012 to collect a corpus of DGS (German Sign Language). The recording took... -
Tibet: Schrumpfende Gletscher und wachsende Seen
85 Glaziologen nennen das tibetische Plateau und seine vielen Gebirgszüge oft den » Dritten Pol«, weil die zerklüfteten Höhenlandschaften die... -
Pricking and Ruling in Ethiopic Manuscripts: an Aid for Dating?
The essay explores the pricking and ruling in Ethiopic manuscripts. A few variations exist in the relative arrangement of the constituent elements defining the page layout:... -
Fejervarya limnocharis ZMH A05523, unstained CT volume
Species: Fejervarya limnocharis Collection number: ZMH A05523 Institution of origin: Zoologisches Museum Hamburg Data: CT volume of unstained specimen Coverage: partial... -
Auswirkungen des Städtewachstums auf das Umland von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit
In diesem Artikel werden vom 4. Jahrtausend v. Chr. bis heute exemplarisch die Auswirkungen des Städtewachstums auf das Umland analysiert. Am Anfang stehen die Betrachtung... -
Conference Report: Traces of the Hand from Africa to Asia: A Symposium on the...
Conference Report: Traces of the Hand from Africa to Asia: A Symposium on the Palaeography of Arabic-Script Languages (London, 24 August 2015) -
B2 Bura
Full set: all focus related experiments, status: work in progress, large parts elicited, most of the data transcribed, partly annotated CLARIN Metadata summary for B2 Bura... -
How to use an EXMARaLDA corpus
This document explains how to use EXMARaLDA corpora from www.exmaralda.org, www.corpora.uni-hamburg.de and other sites. Examples are taken from the EXMARaLDA demo corpus. Other... -
Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths: An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Liter...
On 1 November 2016, the project ‘PAThs: Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths: An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature. Literary Texts in their Geographical Context.... -
Audio recordings of eight German participants in Spain, with Spanish as L2, children first exposed to their L2 at or before the age of three, and children exposed to their L2 at... -
Encoding Text and Encoding Texts: Some Reflections on Theory and Practice
Both traditional and digital editing essentially consist of the inputting of text. When the source is a manuscript, this is still a very labour-intensive process, unlikely to be... -
This is a studio recording in the DGS-Korpus project (http://dgs-korpus.de) to document lexical material of DGS (German Sign Language). The recording took place on 2019-12-11,...