27 datasets found

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  • Stress Map Germany 2016

    The stress map of Germany shows the orientation of the current maximum horizontal stress (SHmax) in the earth's crust. Assuming that the vertical stress (SV) is a principal...
  • Stress Map of India 2024

    Knowledge of the present-day crustal stress field is a key for the understanding of geodynamic processes such as global plate tectonics and earthquakes. It is also essential for...
  • Matlab Script FAST Calibration v 2.4

    The 3D geomechanical-numerical modelling aims at a continuous description of the stress state in a subsurface volume. The model is fitted to the model-independent stress data...
  • Matlab Script FAST Calibration v.2.0

    The 3D geomechanical-numerical modelling aims at a continuous description of the stress state in a subsurface volume. The model is fitted to the model-independent stress data...
  • Spannungskarte Deutschland 2016

    Die Spannungskarte Deutschland zeigt die Orientierung der gegenwärtigen maximalen horizontalen Spannung (SHmax) in der Erdkruste. Unter der Annahme, dass die vertikale Spannung...
  • Python Script FAST Estimation v.1.0

    The classical way to model the stress state in a rock volume is to estimate displacement boundary conditions that minimize the deviation of the modelled stress state with...
  • Stress Map of the Mediterranean and Central Europe 2016

    The Stress Map of the Mediterranean and Central Europe 2016 displays 5011 A-C quality stress data records of the upper 40 km of the Earth’s crust from the WSM database release...
  • Stress Map Iceland 2016

    The stress map of Iceland shows the orientation of the current maximum horizontal stress (SHmax) in the earth's crust. Assuming that the vertical stress (SV) is a principal...
  • Stress Map of Great Britain and Ireland 2022

    Stress maps show the orientation of the current maximum horizontal stress (SHmax) in the earth's crust. Assuming that the vertical stress (SV) is a principal stress, SHmax...
  • Stress Map of Taiwan 2022

    Stress maps show the orientation of the current maximum horizontal stress (SHmax) in the earth's crust. Assuming that the vertical stress (SV) is a principal stress, SHmax...
  • Python Script PyFAST Calibration v.1.0

    The 3D geomechanical-numerical modelling of the in-situ stress state aims at a continuous description of the stress state in a subsurface volume. It requires observed stress...
  • Python Script Apple PY

    In geosciences the discretization of complex 3D model volumes into finite elements can be a time-consuming task and often needs experience with a professional software. In...
  • Matlab Script FAST Calibration v1.0

    The 3D geomechanical-numerical modelling of the in-situ stress state requires observed stress information at reference locations within the model area to be compared to the...
  • Python Script HIPSTER

    In geosciences 3D geomechanical-numerical models are used to estimate the in-situ stress state. In such a model each geological unit is populated with the rock properties...
  • Python Script HIPSTER

    In geosciences 3D geomechanical-numerical models are used to estimate the in-situ stress state. In such a model each geological unit is populated with the rock properties...
  • Tecplot 360 Add-on GeoStress v. 2.0

    For the visualization and analysis of the stress field from 4D thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) numerical model results two main technical steps are necessary. First, one has to...
  • Python Script Apple PY

    In geosciences the discretization of complex 3D model volumes into finite elements can be a time-consuming task and often needs experience with a professional software....
  • Stress Magnitude Database Germany

    This open access database compiles stress magnitude information from various sources. It currently includes 568 data records in the area of Germany and adjacent regions...
  • Tecplot 360 Add-on GeoStress

    For the visualization and analysis of the stress field from 4D thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) numerical model results two main technical steps are necessary. First, one has to...
  • Modelled stress state in the Bavarian Molasse Basin with quantified uncertain...

    These data are supplementary material to Ziegler & Heidbach (2020) and present the results of a 3D geomechanical-numerical model of the stress state with quantified...