Putative annotation of metabolites produced by the Psychrobacter sp. SU143, Psychrobacter sp. SU137, Shewanella sp. SU126 and Polaribacter sp. SU124 in the liquid and solid regime of Marine Broth and Glucose-Yeast-Malt media. Annotation was based on the m/z [M+H]+ or other adducts, retention time, predicted molecular formula, fragmentation pattern and source of the hit. The source of the ion is indicated by the area under a peak (peak area count). Confidence level of annotation are given based on the reporting standards proposed by Sumner, et al. 2007, i.e. identified compound, is putative annotation without reference standards, is putative characterized compound class, and is unknown compound. The mass spectrometry data used for the molecular networking analysis were deposited in the MassIVE Public GNPS database under the accession number MSV000091067.