Supplement for «Adaptive cell wall thickening in Enterococcus faecalis is associated with decreased vancomycin susceptibility»
Table1: Supplementary_table1_Snpdist.csv
SNP distance of isolates as calculated using Snippy with E03812 as reference.
Columns and rows are strains as indicated.
Table2: Supplementary_table2_Snpcomparison_psortb.csv
SNP annotation using SnpEff and subcellular localization of their corresponding proteins was predicted using PsortB.
Columns indicate REF=SNP in the reference, ALT= SNP in the sample isolate, VARIANT=type of variant (SnpEff), psortb_localisation=subcellular localization predicted by psortB, psortb_score= score from psortB, product= gene annotation. Subsequent columns indicate presence/absence of a SNP within each strain.