Data from: Growth forms and life-history strategies predict the occurrence of aquatic macrophytes in relation to environmental factors in a shallow peat lake complex


Data from: Growth forms and life-history strategies predict the occurrence of aquatic macrophytes in relation to environmental factors in a shallow peat lake complex.Journal: Hydrobiologia.This datafile is part of a study that demonstrates, using a survey, that growth forms and life-history strategies in relation to environmental factors could drive the occurrence of aquatic macrophytes in a shallow peat lake. The survey took place in July 2018 in a shallow peat lake (Stichts Ankeveensche Plassen) in the Netherlands. In a field survey, we sampled 64 points in a shallow peat lake and related macrophyte occurrence to growth forms (floating-leaved rooted and submerged), life-history strategies for overwintering (turions, seeds, rhizomes) and environmental factors (water depth, fetch, and porewater nutrients).This dataset contains data of plant occurence, plant traits, and abiotic conditions at all sampled plots.

Metadata Access
Creator R.J.M. Temmink; M. Dorenbosch; L.P.M. Lamers; A.J.P. Smolders; W. Rip; W. Lengkeek; K. Didderen; G.S. Fivash; T.J. Bouma; T. van der Heide
Publisher DANS Data Station Life Sciences
Contributor RU Radboud University
Publication Year 2021
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact RU Radboud University
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip; application/pdf; text/csv
Size 20447; 349320; 34439
Version 2.0
Discipline Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Life Sciences; Medicine; Natural Sciences