The dataset is composed of 5 columns and 1140 lines:
“Garden” is the code for the common garden: 1 is for “Petite Charnie” (western France), 2 for “Vincence” (center of France) and 3 for “Sillegny” (north-eastern France)
“Code” is the code number of the oak provenance
“Provenance” is the name of the source site of the acorns (see table 1 of the paper for details)
“Year” is the year of growth
“GI” is the Growth Index: 33 954 tree rings on the 2420 dominant or co-dominant trees were analyzed. Each individual series of Basal Area Increment was double-detrended with the ratio between the raw value and the fitted cubic splines in the DENDRO function in R (Cook and Peter, 1981; Mérian, 2012) and 78 detrended master chronologies were calculated. These 78 master chronologies were used to compute the climate-tree growth relationships from the common period 1996-2010 and are included in the present dataset.