Two GPS logger were successively embedded on artisanal boats during a one-year pilot activity of the DEMERSTEM EU project ( We aim to use GPS logger as additional information to regular data collection. Usually data collection for Small scale fisheries in West Africa is based on landing survey on a sampling of boats. Usually the strata used for the sampling scheme is at least year, month, landing port, gear, Year and sometimes additional information on boat characteristics (boat type, motorized or not, class of length). This information is useful to estimate total landings using the landings / effort by strata. However, it’s tricky to estimate where the landings came from and to have a precise information on effort (Number of fishing hours), GPS logger will help us in having:
• Spatial view of fishing activity that could give information for a better spatial management of fisheries (avoiding fishermen to harvest stocks during particular period in particular area – by example in sensitive habitat during the juvenile growth period)
• Effort, that is useful for stock assessment (producing Catch per unit of effort as an important metric for stock assessment model)
The dataset is first composed of 271 600 positions, for 6 months (April 2019 to September 2019) collected from different fishermen.
Additional file is provided with information on fishing activity during a subset of the trajectories. For this subset of the previous file, Mohamed Soumah added information on fishing activity best on expert knowledge. (start time of fishing operation and end time). This additional file will be used as observed fishing activity dataset in order to predict fishing operation on the global dataset using only the trajectory of the fishing boat.
The dataset could be analysed using the GPSmonitoring R packages (