This data includes indicators estimated in a multicriteria dashboard applied to assess sustainability of tropical tuna fisheries in Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The objective of this work was to test a multidimensional approach, accounting for the ecological, economic and social dimensions of fisheries sustainability, with the case study of tropical tuna fishing fleets. This dashboard has been constructed based on bibliography review then calculated annually for all historical period available. The principal data raw sources were Regional Fisheries Management Organisation’s (RFMO) public data for the majority of ecologic indicators and the Data Collection Framework (Regulation (EC) 199/2008) for socio-economic indicators and one ecologic indicator (Fuel use intensity or FUI). 24 indicators (14 ecological, 7 economic and 3 socio-economic) were calculated. According to raw data availability, the majority of ecological indicators were calculated from 1950 to 2020 for 356 fleets in Atlantic and Indian oceans, while FUI, economic and socio-economic indicators were calculated only for the European purse seiners and longliners (French and Spanish) over a shorter period of time (2009-2019) than ecological indicators. Because row data from the Data collection framework were aggregated, a method of desegregation based on the allocation on fishing effort to each ocean, was apply to each fleet segment. This dataset is a tool for monitoring the sustainability performance of tuna fisheries and can be re-used to compare different fishing gears performances, flag practices and for different periods.
Primary data were collected from:
• Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) (ICCAT - ; IOTC –;
• STECF-EU Fleet Economic Performance (v. STECF 20-06) for the Annual Economic Report (AER) (;
Secondary data were collected from:
• RFMOs secretariat stock assessment report or bibliography;
• Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) (;
• INSEE statistics: (