Stability of magnetic order in partially frustrated CePdAl under uniaxial pre...
CePdAl is a unique intermetallic material, where both long-range magnetic order and magnetic frustration coexist below the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature of 2.7K. An... -
Novel amorphous and quasicrystalline Ti45-xVxZr38Ni17 alloys for hydrogen sto...
The project is aimed at unveiling structural aspects of the newly synthesised Ti45-xVxZr38Ni17 (x = 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40) alloys and their deuterides. The obtained... -
The effect of KNO2 admixture on ferroelectric phase transition of NaNO2 in th...
The principal aim of the experiment is to study of temperature evolution of ferroelectric composites (1-x)NaNO2+(x)KNO2 crystal structure at two values of KNO2 fraction. The... -
Analysis of the wide-angle neutron scattering of non-graphitic carbon – testi...
Non-graphitic carbons (NGCs) represent an important class of materials both, in research in industrial applications. A quantitative description of the sp2-polyaromatic... -
Magnetic ordering in the multiple rare–earth sublattices in R5Pd2In4 compound...
This proposal is a continuation of our long-term project aiming to understand magnetism of rare earth intermetallics. Five R5Pd2In4 (R = Tb – Tm) indides are intended to be... -
Crystal Structure and Diffuse Scattering in the Uniaxial Ferroelectric Thermo...
The search for new thermoelectric (TE) oxide materials has been driven by the discovery of high figures of merit ZT in complex layered cobaltates such as Na(x)CoO2 or Ca3Co4O9.... -
Magnetic Order and Magnetostructural Coupling in BaCrFeAs2 and BaCr2As2
We propose to study the magnetic order and temperature dependent structural properties of the ThCr2Si2-type phases BaFeCrAs2 and BaCr2As2 at instruments E9 and E2. These... -
Commissioning E2
Test data for ICAT -
Field induced magnetic states in the Charge Density Wave compound TbTe3
The compound TbTe3 displays a rich combination of quantum cooperative phenomenon. It is shows charge density wave formation above room temperatures while under pressure it... -
Instrument Time
Instrument Time -
Neutron diffraction study of short-range incommensurate magnetic order in Ho5Pd2
The rare-earth intermetallic compound Ho5Pd2 exhibits low temperature cluster-glass-like magnetic state with short-range incommensurate antiferromagnetic correlations persisting... -
Coexisting incommensurate magnetic phases in oxygen-deficient SrFeO3-x
Recently we have carried out a comprehensive study of the crystal structure and magnetic order in SrFeO3-x [1] and Sr3Fe2O7-x [2,3]. In contrast to the magnetic phases of SrFeO3... -
Formation of H2-clathrate hydrate, expansivity and gas loading-discharge kine...
The formation of the empty clathrate-hydrate structure is of prime interest in gas hydrate research. This phase can be obtained by pumping out the small guest molecules from the... -
Magnetic Structures of a New Frustrated Quantum Magnet
SrCuTe2O6 is a quantum magnet featuring spin-1/2 ions that are coupled into a highly frustrated 3D network resulting from a combination of interactions giving equilateral... -
Testing the Order-by-Disorder hypothesis in Er2-xYxTi2O7
It has recently been suggested that in addition to the widely accepted order-by-disorder mechanism, the psi_2 state observed in Er2Ti2O7 is influenced by virtual fluctuations of... -
Magnetic order in a J=0 perovskite iridate
The rich physics of 5d iridates unveiled in recent years (especially kitaev magnetism, weyl semimetals, and metal-insulator transitions assisted by strong spin-orbit coupling)... -
Formation of H2-clathrate hydrate and its possible negative thermal expansivity
The formation of the empty clathrate-hydrate structure is of prime interest in gas hydrate research. This phase can be obtained by pumping out the small guest molecules from the... -
Study of structural phenomena in metallic organic frameworks after hydrogen a...
The goal of the proposed experiment is to study the local structure changes in metal-organic frameworks (class CAU) during and after hydrogen sorption process. MOFŽs are known... -
Evolution of the magnetic order in a strongly frustrated square lattice magnet
BaCd(VO)(PO4)2 is an ideal system to study the interplay between geometric frustration and quantum magnetism on a square lattice. It is suggested that BaCd(VO)(PO4)2 hosts a... -
p-orbital magnetism in cesium superoxide
CsO2 is the most interesting of the alkali superoxides. It shows a remarkable variation in the magnetic exchange coupling J(T) of over 50%. An orbital ordering transition occurs...