Can motivational interviewing in emergency care reduce alcohol consumption in...
Aims: We investigate the effect of motivational interviewing (MI), delivered in a brief intervention during an emergency care contact, on the alcohol consumption of young people... -
Usage of a German prevention and health promotion web portal and cost per pag...
Background: Web portals providing health information online have the potential to reach large numbers of people. Yet few studies have assessed usage and costs of health portals,... -
Replication Data for: "Light-driven molecular motors embedded in covalent org...
The incorporation of molecular machines into the backbone of porous framework structures will facilitate nano actuation, enhanced molecular transport, and other... -
Replication data of Lotsch group for: "Rational Design of Covalent Cobaloxime...
All primary data files of measurements and processed data of the journal article mentioned under related publications from Lotsch group can be found here. This dataset contains... -
Replication data of Lotsch group for: "Sustained Solar H2 Evolution from a Th...
All primary data files of measurements and processed data of the journal article mentioned under related publications from Lotsch group can be found here. This dataset contains... -
IMPORTANT-IMPORTANT-IMPORTANT-IMPORTANT The valid files are 11112024_AcqParams_v2.xlsx, 11112024_BDMetaData_v2.xlsx, DICTIONARY_RADIOLUNG_v2.docx, and all the associated CT... -
Replication data for "'Metabolic engineering of Komagataella phaffii for enha...
Supplementary files of research article "Metabolic engineering of Komagataella phaffii for enhanced 3-hydroxypropionic acid production from methanol". This research paper... -
Tolerance analysis of Janssen Mechanism
The Janssen mechanism is a complex mechanical system known for its nonlinear behavior. This mechanism consists of multiple interconnected bars, which collectively produce a... -
Multidisciplinary tracking of a highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 outbre...
The data held in this repository relate to the manuscript J. Hirschinger, U. Höfle, A. Sánchez-Cano, C. Guinat, G. Croville , M. Barral, J.A. Donázar, C. Le Gall Ladevèze, M.... -
Data, computer code and simulation output for the article "Cost vector effect...
This dataset contains the experimental data (survey and choice experiment output), computer code (in R) and simulation output (model estimations) for the Discrete Choice... -
Résultats expérimentation ORE Capsules
Petit fleuve côtier de 39 km de long, la Nivelle est une rivière à migrateurs (saumons, aloses et truites). Bien présente sur la rivière, la truite sous ses deux écotypes (mer... -
Sustainable Bombyx mori's silk fibroin for biomedical applications as a molec...
Silk is a natural engineering material with a unique set of properties. The major constituent of silk is fibroin, a protein widely used in the biomedical field because of its... -
Friends in a Cold Climate: Schiedam-1
HAN VAN DER HORST is a baby boomer born in 1949 into a Catholic working-class family, whose father himself had not had the opportunity to continue his studies. Han describes the... -
For What it's Worth
By relying on a mixed-methods, comparative approach, this study aims to understand the evaluation of experts (interviews) in the goldsmith field as well as of visitors (survey)... -
Interview with Angelique and Liesbeth Raeven about Annelies, looking for co...
Interview with artist duo L.A. Raven about the meanings, values and desired artistic effects of Annelies, looking for completion. Interviews in Conservation Research is a... -
Friends in a Cold Climate: Velenje-1
STANE BOROVNIK hails from Velenje, a small town with a labor-oriented community that gained significance after World War II when large coal deposits were discovered. The... -
Van papier naar praktijk: integraal werken met risicojeugd
Risicojeugd en -gezinnen hebben problemen op meerdere leefgebieden. Het gaat bijvoorbeeld om schooluitval, middelengebruik, schulden, psychische problemen en (risico op)... -
LAKS-monitor 2024
De LAKS-monitor is het tevredenheidsonderzoek onder scholieren in het voortgezet onderwijs dat het LAKS sinds 2010 laat uitvoeren, met financiering van het ministerie van OCW.... -
The SWELL Knowledge Work Dataset for Stress and User Modeling Research
This is the multimodal SWELL knowledge work (SWELL-KW) dataset for research on stress and user modeling. The dataset was collected in an experiment, in which 25 people performed... -
Getuigen Verhalen, Reis van de Razzia, interview met Johannes Bastelaar
JOHANNES BASTELAAR (NL) Johannes Bastelaar was zeventien jaar toen hij met zijn twee broers en een zwager werd opgepakt tijdens de razzia. Van onderduiken was eigenlijk geen...