Social Structure in Poland: POLPAN 2003
Description of the state of social structure and its change during the post-communist transformation. Main topics of the study are: 1. Employment 2. Self-employment and working... -
Living Condition Survey Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia 1999 (Individuals)
The study gives updated and policy-relevant information on living conditions in the three countries, with special focus on poverty and economic resources, housing and... -
Living Condition Survey Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia 1999 (Household roster)
The study gives updated and policy-relevant information on living conditions in the three countries, with special focus on housing and residential environment, the labour market... -
Living Condition Survey Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia 1999 (Household)
The study gives updated and policy-relevant information on living conditions in the three countries, with special focus on housing and residential environment, economic... -
Social Structure in Poland: POLPAN 2008
POLPAN is a panel study in focused on describing social structure and its change during the post-communist transformation in Poland. It is conducted in five year waves beginning... -
Determinants and Indicators for the Integration and Segregation of the Foreig...
Lebens- und Arbeitssituation. Einstellungen zum Leben in Deutschland und zur politischen Partizipation. Familiale Lebensbedingungen und Einstellungen. Sozioökonomische Lage... -
Living Spaces - Public Opinion Survey of the BBR 1985-2007
Beschreibung der Wohnsituation und Zufriedenheit mit der Wohnung. Wohnkosten, Wohnumfeld und Infrastruktur. Erwerbstätigkeit und Arbeitssituation der Bundesbürger. Der... -
Japanese General Social Survey 2006 (JGSS 2006)
Beschreibung der Situation in Familie, Alltag, Wohnung und Wohnumfeld. Geschlechterrolle. Gesundheit. Fremdsprachen und Ausländer. Bildung und Beruf. Politische Fragen. 1.... -
Process of Differentiation in Small-Scale Agricultural Family Businesses in ...
Differentiation processes of the beneficiaries of agrarian reform after allocation of land in Pelarco, (Chile). Topics: type of land acquisition; time spent farming the land;... -
The Chilean Coast Cordilleras: Rural Poverty and Resource Degradation
Rural poverty and resource degradation in the Minifundien areas. Topics: distance to Curepto; age and length of school attendance by parents; parents´ ability to read and... -
Aspiration and Socio-Cultural Change in Indonesia
Household data. Social change in an indonesian village. Issues: Type of house; property situation and year of construction; electricity; property situation of land; main crops... -
Process of Differentiation in Small-Scale Agricultural Family Enterprises in ...
Process of differentiation of beneficiaries of the agrarian reform after the allocation of land in Palerco (Chile). Topics: manner of land acquisition; size of own land under... -
Housing in Tanzania (Household Data)
Housing conditions in rural areas of Tanzania. Issues: l.) Detailed demographic informations on household members and main income sources. 2.) Description of housing and... -
Housing in Tanzania (Individual Data)
Housing conditions in rural areas of Tanzania. Issues: Origin; migration; reason for migration; evaluation of village in former times and today; perceived changes in the... -
Early Careers and Starting a Family: Life Courses of the 1971 Birth Cohorts i...
The study is the most recent subproject of the German Life History Study. It follows directly on from the two previous life history surveys. In a repeat survey, the 1971-born... -
Living Spaces - Public Opinion Survey of the BBR 1986
Living and environmental conditions. Economic situation. Topics: Living: duration of residence in the residential area; duration of residence in the apartment; owner status;... -
Living Spaces - Public Opinion Survey of the BBR 1987
Living and housing status. Residential area and social structure. Economic basis. Foreigners in the neighborhood. Mobility. Political interest and voting behaviour. Topics: 1.... -
Living Spaces - Public Opinion Survey of the BBR 1988
Residential area, current housing and residential status. Mobility. Employment. Topics: 1. Residential area, current housing and residential status: type of residential house;... -
Living Spaces - Public Opinion Survey of the BBR 1989
Housing and residential status. Residential area and social structure. Economic situation. Foreigners in the neighborhood. Mobility. Employment. Voting decision and... -
Living Spaces - Public Opinion Survey of the BBR 1990
Housing and residential status. Residential area and social structure. Mobility and economic situation. Employment. Voting decision and participation. Topics: 1. Housing and...