89 datasets found


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  • 2020 Swiss-German Adult Survey: Exploring Politics, Work, Lifestyle, Gender, ...

    This project is a joint effort between different member of the social psychology lab at the university of Zurich. Three separate questionnaires have been prepared in 2020, 2021,...
  • 2020 Swiss-German Adult Survey: Exploring Politics, Work, Lifestyle, Gender, ...

    This project is a joint effort between different member of the social psychology lab at the university of Zurich. Three separate questionnaires have been prepared in 2020, 2021,...
  • 2021 Swiss-German Adult Survey: Exploring Decision-Making, Social Norms, Hosp...

    This project is a joint effort between different member of the social psychology lab at the university of Zurich. Three separate questionnaires have been prepared in 2020, 2021,...
  • 2021 Swiss-German Adult Survey: Exploring Decision-Making, Social Norms, Hosp...

    This project is a joint effort between different member of the social psychology lab at the university of Zurich. Three separate questionnaires have been prepared in 2020, 2021,...
  • Dimensionality of Nations

    Aggregate data on 82 states. Topics: data from the following areas: agriculture; art and culture; communication; economy; education; geography; health; military; politics;...
  • Dialogs 1 (The Citizen as Partner)

    Importance of social-political objectives, need for information and media behavior of the population. Topics: Sense of well-being in the Federal Republic; preferred state to...
  • OUTFIT 1

    Attitude to clothing and fashionable accessories. Topics: general attitudes to clothing matters (scale); functions of clothing and motives for behavior regarding clothing;...
  • OUTFIT 2

    Attitude to clothing and to fashionable accessories. Topics: general attitudes to clothing questions (scale); functions of clothing and motives for behavior regarding clothing;...
  • Eurobarometer 39.0 (Mar-Apr 1993)

    The main topics of this Eurobarometer are: 1. Attitude to European unification. Detailed determination of knowledge about political committees, personalities and institutions in...
  • Comparative Manifestos Project (Programmatic Profiles of Political Parties i...

    Content analysis of 1018 election programs in 20 countries. Topics: Content analysts formed 56 topic categories that can be summarized in seven political areas. On the basis of...
  • Panel of the University of the Arts in Berlin 1975 - 1995

    Socio-cultural changes of values. Consumer habits and conduct in media reception. Communicative effect research. Life style. Topics: the data set contains 51 survey...
  • OUTFIT 3

    Einstellungen zu Kleidung, Mode, Kauf, Markenorientierung und Stilpräferenzen. Themen: Allgemeine Einstellungen zu Kleidungsfragen (Skala); Kleidungsverhalten nach...
  • OUTFIT 4

    Attitude to clothing and fashionable accessories. Topics: general attitudes to clothing questions (scale); behavior regarding clothing according to functionality or appearance;...
  • A Working Class Audience Appraisal of the USIS film "Man - Maker of Abundance"

    Judgement on the USIS film "Man - Maker of Abundance". Topics: frequency of going to the movies; attitude to short films; familiarity of the short film "Man - Maker of...
  • Reactions to "Die Schildbuerger", a USIS Sponsored Film

    Judgement on the USIS film "Die Schildbuerger" Topics: judgement on the film; intention of the film; positive aspects of the film; special points of criticism of the film;...
  • Appraisal of "The Hour of Choice" by a Group of Hessian Civil Servants

    Attitudes to the USIA film "The Hour of Choice". Topics: judgement on the film; criticism of presentation, text, speakers and images of the film; attitude to European...
  • Germany in Change

    Geschichtsbewusstsein. Einstellungen zu politischen Fragen und zum Gesellschaftssystem. Themen: Wichtigstes derzeitiges Problem in Deutschland; Parteipräferenz (Sonntagsfrage);...
  • OUTFIT 5

    Einstellung zu Kleidung, Mode und modischen Accessoires. Markenbewusstsein, Markenbesitz. Konsumprioritäten. Medienkonsum. Lebensstile. Themen: 1. Allgemeine Einstellungen zu...
  • Bertelsmann Founder Study

    Herkunft, Motive, Ziele und Strategien deutscher Stifter. Themen: 1. Stiftungszweck: Tätigkeitsbereiche der Stiftung (Wissenschaft und Forschung, Bildung und Erziehung, Kunst...
  • EVS - European Values Study 1981 - Integrated Dataset

    The online overview offers comprehensive metadata on the EVS datasets and variables. The variable overview of the four EVS waves 1981, 1990, 1999/2000, and 2008 allows for...
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