BayesValidRox 1.1.0
Release 1.1.0 of BayesValidRox. BayesValidRox is an open-source python package that provides methods for surrogate modeling, Bayesian inference and model comparison.... -
Datensätze und Modelle zur Dissertation Kamerabasierte Topologieschätzung zur...
Datensätze und Modelle zur Dissertation Kamerabasierte Topologieschätzung zur roboterbasierten Handhabung von verzweigten Leitungssätzen. In den Daten sind Rohdaten mit... -
Floor Type Detection Dataset
Dataset for Floor Type Detection of the Robot Dog Unitree Go1 Edu. Details can be found in the seperate report. !!Privacy Statement!! This dataset is made available for... -
DuMux 3.9.0
Release 3.9.0 of DuMux, DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media. DuMux is a free and open-source simulator for flow and... -
Supplemental Material for "Power Overwhelming: The One With the Oscilloscopes"
Supplemental Material for "Power Overwhelming: The One With the Oscilloscopes". Contains the aggregated energy consumption data from the experiments in the paper. The... -
Replication Data for: SCAP 2024 Robotic Wiring Harness Bin Picking
Replication Data for: SCAP 2024 Robotic Wiring Harness Bin Picking. 4K Images from 3 Camera Perspectives including Annotation data for Reproduction of the Learning for the ML...