Prva pomoč kot oblika solidarnosti v sodobni slovenski družbi, 2012
Raziskava Prva pomoč kot oblika solidarnosti v sodobni slovenski družbi je bila izvedena v času med 12. in 14. novembrom 2012. Glavni namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšna je... -
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2002/2
Tokratna raziskava je del vseevropskega projekta, ki poteka v 21 državah in katerega namen je beleženje družbenih sprememb skozi čas. Tematsko se raziskava osredotoča predvsem... -
Stališča občanov o razvoju cestnega omrežja v Sloveniji 1970
Večina vprašanj se nanaša le na naslovno temo, na koncu pa najdemo tudi nekatera zanimiva vprašanja o osebnih prepričanjih in kulturnih aktivnostih. Anketirani so izrazili... -
Getuigen Verhalen, Geallieerde Bombardementen in Amsterdam Noord op de Fokker...
De heer De Jong is zestien jaar bij het begin van de oorlog. Zijn vader is schipper. Moeder is huisvrouw met een sociale rol in een buurt vol armoede en werkeloosheid. De Jong... -
COVID-19 and Social Inequality - B (Welle 1)
To develop a better understanding how people in Germany handle the social and political consequences of the Corona crisis, the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality"... -
COVID-19 and Social Inequality - April 2020
To develop a better understanding how people in Germany handle the social and political consequences of the Corona (COVID-19) crisis, the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of... -
Replication Data for: "Enforcement may crowd out voluntary support for Covid1...
How does enforcement affect citizens’ support for anti-Covid-19 policies? A survey conducted with 4,799 respondents towards the end of the first lockdown in Germany suggests... -
Solidarität in Zeiten der Krise (SOCRIS)
Die vergangene Wirtschaftskrise hat sich gravierend auf die Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen der Bürger und Bürgerinnen in Europa ausgewirkt und auch Gefühle von Unsicherheit und... -
COVID-19 and Social Inequality – A (Welle 3)
To develop a better understanding of how people in Germany handle the social and political consequences of the Corona (COVID-19) crisis, the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics... -
SiE survey dataset on solidarity in Europe (2022)
The EUI-YouGov dataset on European solidarity is built on a large survey designed by the EUI 'Solidarity in Europe' research team and implemented by YouGov. The data aims to... -
SiE survey dataset on solidarity in Europe (2022)
The EUI-YouGov dataset on European solidarity is built on a large survey designed by the EUI 'Solidarity in Europe' research team and implemented by YouGov. The data aims to... -
SiE survey on solidarity in Europe trendfile (2018-2023)
The SiE survey on solidarity in Europe, developed by the EUI and YouGov, is implemented yearly since 2018. This trendfile compiles the most relevant variables repeated over the... -
SiE survey dataset on solidarity in Europe (2023)
The EUI-YouGov dataset on European solidarity is built on a large survey designed by the 'Solidarity in Europe' and the SOLID ERC research teams at the EUI, and implemented by... -
SiE survey on solidarity in Europe trendfile (2018-2023)
The SiE survey on solidarity in Europe, developed by the EUI and YouGov, is implemented yearly since 2018. This trendfile compiles the most relevant variables repeated over the... -
SiE survey dataset on solidarity in Europe (2023)
The EUI-YouGov dataset on European solidarity is built on a large survey designed by the 'Solidarity in Europe' and the SOLID ERC research teams at the EUI, and implemented by... -
HEUREC focus group discussion transcripts
Transcripts of focus group discussions in nine countries of the EURO zone (Finland, Germany, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, and Spain). In each... -
The micro-dynamics of social regulation: Comparing the navigation of disagree...
This study explores how people navigate the field of tension between expressing disagreement and maintaining social relationships in text-based online as compared to...