Sediment characteristics (TOC, TN, δ13C, δ15N, Chl a, phaeopigments, water content, sediment description) of multicorer samples from six deep-sea stations in the Southern Ocean (PS71 SYSTCO 2007-2008)


We present sediment data from cores collected at bathyal and abyssal depths (1960–5337 m) along a 2400-km North–South transect in the Atlantic part of the Southern Ocean. During the RV Polarstern expedition PS71 (ANT XXIV-2 SYSTCO, 28 November 2007 until 04 February 2008) six deep-sea stations were sampled from the Polar Front in the north (49°S), over the southern Polar Front (52°S, this site was visited two times), the Central Weddell Sea (62°S), and the seamount Maud Rise (64°S) to the Lazarev Sea (70°S) in the south. Samples (cores) were collected at each station with a MUC10 multicorer. On board, sediment cores were sliced into depth layers (0-0.5cm, 0.5-1cm, in the following 1-cm steps down to a max. core depth of 25cm). Provided data are total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), stable isotope values of carbon and nitrogen (δ13C, δ15N), sediment pigments [chlorophyll a and phaeopigments [Phaeophorbid a (Phorbid a), Pyrophaeophorbid a (pPhorbid a), Phaeophythin a (Phytin a), Pyrophaeophythin a (pPhytin a); HPLC measurements)], water content and a sediment description. An isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Delta Plus, Thermo-Finnigan) coupled to an elemental analyzer (NC 2500, Carlo Erba; combustion temperature 1080 C) at the GeoBio-Center (University of Munich, Germany) was used to measure carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios and elemental contents (wt% N and C) on the same sample. For detailed descriptions of the methods see Veit-Köhler et al. (2011, 2013) below. Not for all cores the complete data set is available. Data were obtained for a study on Southern Ocean deep-sea meiofauna, their relation to surface productivity, reaction to a phytoplankton bloom and stable isotope composition (see "Related to" below).

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Metadata Access
Creator Mayr, Christoph ORCID logo; Peeken, Ilka ORCID logo; Veit-Köhler, Gritta (ORCID: 0000-0002-3453-898X)
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference Belgian Federal Science Policy Office Crossref Funder ID SD/BA/02A Biodiversity of three representative groups of the Antarctic Zoobenthos - Coping with Change (BIANZO II); German Research Foundation Crossref Funder ID 5472008 Priority Programme 1158 Antarctic Research with Comparable Investigations in Arctic Sea Ice Areas; Ghent University Crossref Funder ID 01J14909 The relation between FUNction and biodiversity of Nematoda in the DEEP-sea (FUNDEEP); Research Foundation of Flanders Crossref Funder ID 3G0346
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 782 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-3.379W, -70.080S, 2.875E, -49.016N); South Atlantic Ocean; Weddell Sea
Temporal Coverage Begin 2007-12-06T08:44:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2008-01-29T11:31:00Z