Water temperature on the Bresle river and its tributaries (Seine-Maritime and...
The data consists of Bresle river and its tributaries water temperature since 1984 collected for the Environmental Research Observatory (ORE) on Diadromous Fish in Coastal... -
Physico-chemical parameters of river water in Scorff and its tributaries (Mor...
The data consist of physico-chemical parameters of river raw water in Scorff and its tributaries, collected since 1999. The parameters are water temperature (°C), hydrogen... -
Water temperature on the Yères river (Seine-Maritime county - France)
The data consists of Yeres river water temperature since 1997 collected for the Environmental Research Observatory (ORE) on Diadromous Fish in Coastal rivers (DiaPFC). ORE... -
Résultats expérimentation ORE Capsules
Petit fleuve côtier de 39 km de long, la Nivelle est une rivière à migrateurs (saumons, aloses et truites). Bien présente sur la rivière, la truite sous ses deux écotypes (mer... -
Températures Aquapôle INRAE
Petit fleuve côtier de 39 km de long, la Nivelle est une rivière à migrateurs (saumon, alose, truites de mer) et ses populations sont suivies depuis le début des années 80. Ce... -
Extended Diversity Analysis of Cultivated Grapevine Vitis vinifera with 10K g...
Abstract:The dataset, comprising 10207 SNPs for 783 grape cultivars and without missing data, is made available here in support of the paper : Laucou V, Launay A, Bacilieri R,... -
Dataset on experimental study of eigenstrains in temporomandibular joint disc...
The temporomandibular joint is one of the most frequently used joints of the human body. Its malfunction can severely influence patient’s well-being. Since the temporomandibular... -
Vidéos des phenomenes observés pendant la compaction de poudres. Partie de la...
Ce jeu de données contient toutes les vidéos des clichés de la thèse "Étude expérimentale de la compaction par vibration des poudres industrielles : phénoménologie et intérêt",... -
Associated data: Synthesis and characterization of a new monometallic layered...
Data associated to the article : Figure 2: Data files, code for the generation and figure, files starting with "Quantities" Figure 3: Data files, code for the generation and... -
Instruments scientifiques (objets) dans les procès-verbaux du Bureau des long...
L’inventaire des instruments scientifiques ayant fait l'objet de plusieurs mentions dans les procès-verbaux du Bureau des longitudes (jusqu'à l'année 1895). -
Replication Data for: Invert emulsions alleviate biotic interactions in bacte...
The large application potential of microbiotas has led to a great need for mixed culture methods. However, microbial interactions can compromise the maintenance of biodiversity... -
Neuromuscular involvement (EMG) and muscle oxygenation (NIRS) during prolonge...
The data have been assessed during a 5-min trunk extension exercise in order to investigate the agonist and antagonist muscles implication during a prolonged trunk extension... -
Replication database for: Future Projections, Not Autobiographical Memories, ...
Involuntary autobiographical memory, encompassing both past events and future projections, is described as a fundamental mode of mental time travel that remains relatively... -
Data of the 2nd study with PD patients - HC and synergy with images of rooms ...
Data of the 2nd study with PD patients - HC and synergy with images of rooms of houses -
Plasma metabolomics of young and aged hamsters infected with SARS-CoV-2
Data correspond to a metabolomic analysis of plasma samples collected from young and aged hamsters infected with SARS-CoV-2 7 days and 22 days post-infection -
Molecular dynamics data for UDG-dsDNA
UDG-dsDNA-MD simulation. Initially, the UDG-dsDNA complex was solvated using the TIP3P water model, and 0.15 M sodium and chloride ions were added to neutralize the system.... -
Dual comb spectroscopy for 10 MHz acoustic wave sensing using a Fabry-Perot c...
We provide interferogram data from a dual comb spectroscopy (DCS) experiment. In this experiment, the two frequency combs probed the reflectivity of a Fabry-Perot cavity, that... -
Dataset of Wi-Fi packet captures including RSSI for different distances
The folder contains a dataset of Wi-Fi packet captures using a passive sniffing technique as described in : M. I. Syed, A. Fladenmuller, M. Dias de Amorim. Unity is strength:... -
Halogen-driven adjustment of the colloidal stability of gold nanoparticles pr...
In this study, we explore the influence of bromide anions concentration on the surface chemistry of colloidal gold nanoparticles synthesized via Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquids... -
MITIK Dataset of WiFi anonymised public management frames captured at La Roch...
This dataset consists of WiFi management frames (probe-requests, probe-responses, and beacons) captured during a passive in-field measurement campaign using the MITIK-SENS tool...