Operator assembly quasi-static posture dataset
The provided dataset is based on the joint angle amplitude results of operators' quasi-static assembly postures. This file contains data from 12 subjects performing three... -
FaultDeform : Fast and Accurate Sub-pixel Displacement Estimation From Optica...
Contains the FaultDeform train, validation and test sub-datasets (10,000 samples). The three sub-datasets contain samples, built with pairs of large 1024x1024 windows that... -
Dataset for common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain and flour characterizat...
This dataset includes 29 TSV files comprising characterisation measurements for 290 wheat samples. Data stored in the EVAGRAIN PO2 knowledge base have been extracted using... -
Supplementary data - ARTICLE - The catabolism of branched-chain amino acids a...
The following files are available : Table S1. Molecular ions selected for GC-MS analysis. Table S2. Characteristics of the primers used in this study. Table S3. RNAseq data and... -
MilkOligoCorpus, a rich semantic annotated resource for milk oligosaccharide ...
The MilkOligoCorpus is a dataset of 30 Pubmed abstracts and full-text extracts from scientific articles on the composition of milk oligosaccharides in mammalian species,... -
Dataset on forest structure parameters influencing the Black Woodpecker's pre...
The data comprise a set of parameters measured on a multisite network of study plots (located in a wide range of forest stands in mainland France, both in mountains and... -
Dataset for common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain and flour characterizat...
The dataset includes raw data files for alveogram and farinograph measurements. These data are available in .txt or .xls files formats. All the files are organized into folders... -
Replication Data for: Diouf MB, et al. (2023). Molecular diversity of yam vir...
This dataset accompanies the article "Molecular diversity of yam virus Y and identification of banana mild mosaic virus isolates infecting yam (Dioscorea spp.)". It contains... -
XyloDensMap: a georeferenced dataset for the wood density of 110,000 trees fr...
The XyloDensMap collaboration has assembled a dataset of 110,763 individual tree records of wood density from 156 species, across a broad range of ecological conditions in... -
Dataset for common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain and flour characterizat...
This dataset is composed of the 28 SPARQL queries executed to generate the measurement tables which are included in the files belonging to dataset containing the data tables... -
WGS Mutant Gelless
During the production of RNAi transgenic lines, we identified a gel-less mutant in the progeny of one T0 line out of nine (line L2). A S1 population of 114 plants segregating... -
Dataset for common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain and flour characterizat...
As global warming and changing market demands reshape agricultural practices, optimising the quality and utility of crop products, particularly wheat, is becoming increasingly... -
Supplemental data associated to "Human milk metabolites modulate gut physiolo...
This dataset includes supplemental data associated to "Human milk metabolites modulate gut physiology in an in vitro multicellular model of intestinal epithelium" by Blanchet... -
Pesticide use and large patch size reduce natural pest control potential in v...
Données collectés sur le site atelier BACCHUS de 2018 à 2022 et compléter à l'aide de données de la Pesticide Properties Database. Les données contiennent des informations sur... -
Molecular dynamics data for UDG enzyme
UDG enzyme-MD simulation. Initially, the UDG enzyme was solvated using the TIP3P water model, and 0.15 M sodium and chloride ions were added to neutralize the system. Before... -
Continuous moderate and intermittent high-intensity exercise in youth with ty...
Available after publication of the paper -
Molecular dynamics data for DNA base flipping
DNA base flipping trajectory files. Initial state is a double stranded DNA containing a thymine mutated to a uracil. Uracil is then flipped out according to a 100ns simulation.... -
Robustness of high-throughput prediction of leaf ecophysiological traits usin...
This dataset comes from two experiments performed on a diversity panel of 279 grapevine (Vitis Vinifera L.) cultivars, designed to be representative of the genetic diversity of... -
A 3D morpho-space of sepal geometry reveals the importance of organ curvature...
This repository contains raw image data, the extracted sepal contours, and the measurement results, used for the manuscript Battu et al. We consider different mutants in Col-0... -
3D-Aware Ellipses for Visual Localization
This repository contains trained weights for object detection and ellipse prediction for visual localization. These weights were trained on the Chess scene of the 7-Scenes...