Seismic shot gather data acquired at reduced scale with a measurement bench (...
This dataset collection was acquired as part of Michaël Darche's post-doctoral research within the ANR Asiri+ project, using the MUSC (Measurement at Ultrasonic SCale) measuring... -
Operator assembly dynamic movement amplitude dataset
The provided dataset is based on the joint angle amplitude results of operators' dynamic assembly movement. This file contains data from 12 subjects performing five tasks in 8... -
Data and programs used for the article "Reputation shortcoming in academic pu...
This set of data and programs were used to analyze the relationship between authors’ ties with professional editors and the publications of these authors in the editors’... -
EtudELEC Data, aggregated electricity consumption data from 400+ residential ...
This is grouped and aggregated electricity consumption data from the EtudELEC study conducted by the Observatoire du Transition Energétique Grenoble (OTE-UGA). If you find... -
WhichFingers: Identifying Fingers on Touch Surfaces and Keyboards using Vibra...
Experimental data associated with the project and paper WhichFingers. https://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3126594.3126619 http://ns.inria.fr/mjolnir/whichfingers/ -
Datasets on aerosol particle vertical fluxes over different surfaces: emissio...
Three projects (LANDES, REMORA, DEPECHEMOD) were conducted between 2007 and 2016 to quantify the atmospheric vertical fluxes of aerosol particle as function of their size and... -
Behavioral Measures on Sheep Exposed to Olfactory Stimuli in a Positive Context
The dataset presented comes from an experimental study on the emotional responses of ewes exposed to olfactory stimuli in a positive context. The animals (30 adult Ile-de-France... -
Data from : Worldwide phylogeography and history of wheat genetic diversity
This repository hosts two datasets of the paper "François Balfourier et al., Worldwide phylogeography and history of wheat genetic diversity." Sci.Adv.5, eaav0536(2019).... -
Flow intermittence observations collected in the European Drying River Networks
Flow intermittence observation collected in the 6 studied European Drying River Networks (DRNs) of the DRYvER project from various sources (field campaigns, gauging stations,... -
Data for Real-time monitoring of replication errors
The dataset contains the raw data and codes for data analysis and simulations generated for the publication entitled Real-time monitoring of replication errors's fate reveals... -
Geographical information for the European Drying River Networks
Geographic and topological information of the six studied drying river networks (DRNs) across Europe. It is designed to support hydrological modeling and flow intermittence... -
Supplementary table 1. Milk fatty acid composition of cows submitted to diffe...
Supplementary table : Milk fatty acid composition of cows submitted to different milking frequencies in interaction with their susceptibility to lipolysis related to the article... -
J2000 Hydrological model of the Vantaanjoki-Lepsämänjoki river basin (Finland)
J2K_Vantaanjoki: J2000 hydrological model for the Vantaanjoki river basin (which includes the Lepsämänjoki sub-basin). JAMS, 3.16 -
Hydrological reconstruction (1960-2021) of the Velicka DRN (Czechia)
Hydrological model outputs at daily time step for the reconstruction period (1960-2021) in the Velicka DRN (Czechia). Simulated discharge, baseflow an state of flow... -
Ex-situ experiment to select willows for subalpine soil and water bioengineer...
This dataset presents survival and growth data of three subalpine willow species (S. caesia, S; foetida and S. hastata) and a ubiquitous willow species (S. purpurea). In a... -
Genotyping and phenotyping data for an hybid grapevine progeny that includes ...
This dataset was used during the PhD Thesis of Elsa Chedid -
Hydrological projections (1985-2100) of the Velicka DRN (Czechia)
Hydrological model outputs at daily time step for the projection simulations (1985-2100) in the Velicka DRN (Czechia). Simulated discharge, baseflow an state of flow... -
Random forest models for predicting the flow intermittence in the 6 European ...
Random forest models to predict the state of flow (0=dry, 1=flowing) are the reach scales and at daily time step in the 6 European DRNs R, 4.4.2 -
Manuscript Habilitation à diriger des recherches -
Analysis of solid matters and particle-bound pesticides as part of the PULSE ...
This dataset was collected at the ZABR's Ardières-Morcille site-atelier (Beaujolais, France) at 3 measurement sites at 3 different scales: plot, sub-catchment and catchment. For...