Neck Reflex Behavior in Driving Simulator Experiments - Academic-Scale Simula...
Neck movement and injury during a car crash is influenced by reflexes, strength, and flexibility. This data set contains in-vivo measurements of neck kinematics and reflexes as... -
Publication data of Dyballa group for: "Introducing a Novel Method for Probin...
Primary data files of measurements and processed data of the journal article mentioned under related publications from Dyballa group can be found here. This comprises MAS-NMR,... -
Enzymatically induced carbonate precipitation and its effect on capillary pre...
Content: This dataset includes processed data from two experiments on enzymatically induced carbonate precipitation (2D1 and 2D2), whose raw data is already published in... -
Replication data of Lotsch group for: "Direct and Linker-Exchange Alcohol-Ass...
Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are an extensively studied class of porous materials, which distinguish themselves from other porous polymers in their crystallinity and high... -
Replication data for: "Olefin Metathesis in Confinement: Towards Covalent Org...
Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) offer vast structural and chemical diversity enabling a wide and growing range of applications. While COFs are well-established as... -
Identification data for Linear Direct Drive Forces compensation
Linear direct drive forces are identified for compensation, where a linear direct drive is mounted in parallel to a ball screw feed drive axis. Please refer to Readme.md... -
Evolution of flash boiling liquid nitrogen sprays by means of high-speed shad...
Within this test case we show the experimental data of 22 flash boiling liquid nitrogen sprays in terms of their injection conditions and their respective morphology after an... -
Rh(I)/(III)-N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes: Effect of Steric Confinement Up...
Novel Rh(III) pentamethylcyclopentadienyl and Rh(I) complexes containing chelating N-heterocyclic carbenes have been prepared and used in the hydrosilylation of 1-alkynes.... -
Replication data of Bruckner group for: "Predictive design of ordered mesopor...
All primary data files of measurements and processed data (GPC, 1H-NMR, deconvoluted SAXS, nitrogen physisorption) of the associated journal article can be found here. The data... -
Replication data for: "Influence of the Template Removal Method on the Mechan...
The manuscript describes the influence of the template removal method on the mechanical stability of SBA-15. First, the mechanical stability of calcined SBA-15 was investigated... -
Replication data of Buchmeiser group for: "Confinement Effects for Efficient ...
All primary data files of measurements and processed data of the journal article mentioned under related publications from Buchmeiser group can be found here. The data is... -
Replication Data for: "A flavin-inspired covalent organic framework for photo...
Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) offer a number of key properties that predestine them to be used as heterogeneous photocatalysts, including intrinsic porosity, long-range... -
Replication data of Buchmeiser group for: "Cationic tungsten imido alkylidene...
All primary data files of measurements and processed data of the journal article mentioned under related publications from Buchmeiser group can be found here. The data is... -
Replication data of B3 group for: "Interplay of Polarity and Confinement in A...
In this dataset HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) chromatograms of the products of the rhodium-catalyzed 1,2-addition and NMR spectra of all prepared ligands,... -
Data for: High velocity measurements of particle rebound characteristics unde...
This data set contation experimental results of particle rebound measurements on flat plates of Ti6Al4V and stainless steel(1.4301) at high air velocites up to 350m/s and impact... -
Sample Properties, Evaporation Data, and Pressure Measurements of MgSO4 Crust...
The dataset contains data from evaporation of magnesium sulfate solution with an initial concentration of 0.96 mol/L, 0.64 mol/L, and 0.32 mol/L from F32 quartz sand.... -
Replication data for: "Ionothermal Synthesis of Imide‐Linked Covalent Organic...
Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are an extensively studied class of porous materials, which distinguish themselves from other porous polymers in their crystallinity and high... -
Replication data of Gießelmann/Bruckner group for: "Mechanisms and Intermedia...
All primary data files of measurements and processed data of the associated journal article can be found here. Raw data from physisorption measurements can be found in the... -
Data for "Controlled Synthesis of “Reverse Pluronic”-Type Block Copolyethers ...
The data is structured according to tables (and specific table entries) and schemes in the research article and contains the following data types: NMR raw data, GPC raw data,... -
Replication data for "Amine-Linked Covalent Organic Frameworks as a Platform ...
Covalent organic frameworks have emerged as a powerful synthetic platform for installing and interconverting dedicated molecular functions on a crystalline polymeric backbone...