Collocations of surface drifter and GlobCurrent (centered five-day) 15-m zona...
GlobCurrent is an analysis that linearly combines the geostrophic and Ekman components. Drifters respond locally to a combination of geostrophic, Ekman, tidal, inertial, Stokes,... -
Eiffel Tower edifice: environmental conditions from Momareto (2006) and Exoma...
Thermal conditions over mussel assemblages on the hydrothermal edifice Eiffel Tower (Lucky Strike vent field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge), during Exomar (2005), Momareto (2006) cruises.... -
Eiffel Tower edifice: taxa inventory from Momareto (2006) and Exomar (2005) c...
Densities data measured from abundances of inventoried species on the hydrothermal edifice Eiffel Tower (Lucky Strike vent field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge), during Exomar (2005),... -
Momareto 2006: inventory and densities of sampled species
Densities data measured from abundances of inventoried species on the hydrothermal edifice Eiffel Tower (Lucky Strike vent field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge), during Momareto cruise... -
Momareto 2006: environmental conditions
Environmental conditions (temperature, pH, total dissolved sulphides, iron, and copper, and sampled surfaces on the hydrothermal edifice Eiffel Tower (Lucky Strike vent field,... -
European eel Anguilla anguilla mtDNA cyt b sequence data
A total of 394 mtDNA cyt b sequences that were used for the intraspecific genetic analysis of the European eel (doi:10.1051/alr/2017021). Newly obtained sequences of different... -
Differences between 1999 and 2010 across the 1 Falkland Plateau: Fronts and w...
Data used in the Paper cited. It includes CTD data in .mat format from the Moc-Austral (2010) and ALBATROS (1999) cruises. -
Characteristics and evolution of an Agulhas Ring
This dataset contains the data acquired in 2010/04/04-05 using the Thermosalinograph, water samples from Niskin bottles (Nitrates, Alkalinity and pH) and CTD deployed on... -
Contribution of benthic microalgae to the temporal variation in phytoplankton...
Suspended benthic microalgae in the water column reflect the strong benthic-pelagic coupling in coastal ecosystems and particularly in turbid macrotidal systems. Nevertheless,... -
Turbidity and chlorophyll sensor, data from EMSO-Molène Observatory, 2016-12-...
This dataset contains the data acquired using the turbidity on EMSO-Molène observatory. The sensor was protected against the fouling by a micro-chlorination device. -
Oxygen optode, data from EMSO-Molène Observatory, 2017-01-01 to 2017-05-04
This dataset contains the data acquired using the oxygen optode on EMSO-Molène observatory. The sensor was protected against the fouling by a micro-chlorination device. The... -
Oxygen CTD, data from EMSO-Molène Observatory, 2016-12-20 to 2017-05-04
This dataset contains the data acquired using the CTD on EMSO-Molène observatory. The sensor was protected against the fouling. It is set on the instrument module, oposite the... -
REMOULA temperature dataset survey 2000 - 2012. Blue mussel growth in the Per...
Concomitantly to the monitoring network of the Blue mussel growth in the Pertuis Charentais sounds, (available soon from SEANOE) high frequency temperature measurements were... -
Ocean Bottom (OBS) data from Ifremer’s temporary network deployed in the Sea ...
This dataset was recorded from 15th of April to 31st of July , 2011, by 10 autonomous, short-period (4.5 Hz) OBSs from Ifremer. -
Regional monitoring network of the Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) rearing perfo...
On a yearly basis, mussel farming produces around 13 000 metric tons of mussel in the Pertuis Charentais sounds (Pertuis Breton et Pertuis d’Antioche). This represents 23% of... -
Ocean Bottom (OBS) data from Ifremer’s temporary network deployed in the Sea ...
This dataset was recorded from September 19th to 14th of November , 2014, by 9 autonomous, short-period (4.5 Hz) from Ifremer. -
A global database of vertical profiles derived from Biogeochemical Argo float...
The presented database includes 0-1000 m vertical profiles of bio-optical and biogeochemical variables acquired by autonomous profiling Biogeochemical-Argo (BGC-Argo) floats.... -
Matugli01 deployment (EGO glider : Crate) (Mediterranean Sea - Western basin)
The observations of Crate Slocum glider on Matugli01 deployment (Mediterranean Sea - Western basin) are distributed in 4 files: - EGO NetCDF time-series (data, metadata,... -
Ocean bottom seismometer recording April-June 2016 offshore Molène Island, Br...
This dataset consists of passive seismic ocean bottom seismometer recordings of two Ifremer LotOBS from April-June 2016. File format is SAC and sample rate 250 Hz -
High resolution seismic data offshore Morocco
High resolution data from the offshore Morocco, acquired using the hull mounted echosounder from the french research vessel N/O L'Atalante. These data are part of the Mirror...