DNA metabarcoding of foliar fungal communities in conventional and organic vineyards


This sequence dataset (FASTQ format) was obtained by metabarcoding foliar fungal communities in conventional and organic vineyards. The ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region 1 (ITS1) was amplified with the ITS1F / ITS2 primer pair and sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq platform (v3 chemistry, 2x250 bp). In total, 120 leaves, corresponding to 1 leaf × 20 vines × 3 plots × 2 cropping systems (B for organic and I for conventional), were collected and sequenced. The samples were labelled as follow: [Vine number]-[Cropping System Code][Plot number]*.fastq. The 240 files correspond to the forward (R1) and reverse (R2) sequences of each sample. Two samples were negative controls of the extraction and PCR steps: Ctrl-ex and Blc-PCR. Six PCR products were sequenced twice independently to serve as technical replicates for sequencing. The name of those samples start with "Rep". This dataset was used to compare the effect of the cropping system on fungal community and network α- and β-properties (Pauvert et al. Microbial networks inferred from metabarcoding data lack replicability: consequences for next-generation biomonitoring, submitted).

DOI https://doi.org/10.15454/3DPFNJ
Metadata Access https://entrepot.recherche.data.gouv.fr/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.15454/3DPFNJ
Creator Pauvert, Charlie; Vallance, Jessica; Delière, Laurent; Buée, Marc; Vacher, Corinne
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor Pauvert, Charlie; Vacher, Corinne
Publication Year 2019
Rights etalab 2.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; https://spdx.org/licenses/etalab-2.0.html
OpenAccess true
Contact Pauvert, Charlie (INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique); Vacher, Corinne (INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/gzip
Size 4507330; 5632017; 4387554; 5380296; 5248699; 6358816; 3816215; 4852639; 3842767; 4929735; 4797176; 5934177; 2549197; 3087902; 5415286; 6691037; 4087001; 5073480; 4672332; 5868873; 4596869; 5823711; 4379056; 5594052; 5758600; 6964717; 5082266; 6200936; 4898207; 6318643; 2789398; 3560458; 6436635; 7884344; 4233412; 5212567; 4420032; 5523202; 4372868; 5409511; 4448015; 5675422; 4248862; 5419912; 4954208; 6321249; 4317248; 5337951; 5373135; 6515284; 4346493; 5436073; 4095714; 4942935; 3971683; 5001212; 4457846; 5486321; 4073474; 5165900; 4103013; 5298933; 3460207; 4380987; 2978274; 3769157; 4479679; 5601656; 4387142; 5647666; 4821383; 6077891; 4214409; 5309750; 4232565; 5318756; 3752376; 4771057; 4789231; 5856946; 3604302; 4682769; 5806024; 7146825; 4365577; 5379943; 4549227; 5687200; 4066676; 5116082; 3625962; 4609704; 4445517; 5545412; 4690811; 5706883; 5949263; 7300636; 3465466; 4455562; 4114427; 5131589; 4825643; 6008172; 3851710; 4698001; 3985847; 5104345; 4009751; 5031416; 5154007; 6356996; 3793365; 4864406; 4212714; 5191467; 4469482; 5510653; 5611626; 6941597; 4666376; 5873630; 4326061; 5535471; 3199721; 4031924; 4927774; 6116832; 4778745; 6250836; 3891664; 4903426; 4309632; 5513772; 3905468; 4822221; 2991895; 3752698; 4071460; 5048340; 3933515; 4963756; 5217875; 6512877; 4575724; 5736631; 3980084; 5072857; 4959945; 6123126; 4386410; 5619723; 4286405; 5410348; 3549457; 4593184; 4409276; 5672207; 3953107; 4934063; 3526652; 4502941; 4427737; 5573365; 3956566; 5027413; 4613315; 5840855; 6127559; 7402475; 4627901; 5721680; 5089914; 6280902; 3575043; 4471603; 4013218; 5071455; 6014476; 7202522; 4213623; 5355637; 4856314; 5967381; 5478218; 6640874; 3657672; 4500597; 4441865; 5663629; 7359852; 8903907; 4518778; 5705855; 4909716; 6105955; 5094704; 6039058; 3451936; 4456135; 4385612; 5562600; 4964906; 6157249; 3521884; 4278095; 3283280; 4202199; 4227992; 5308744; 4117106; 5272473; 6480782; 7829308; 5272442; 6546070; 4761811; 5835324; 3894027; 4898048; 3896027; 4947700; 5133615; 6501868; 6133383; 6428646; 6120282; 6465180; 4407922; 5525088; 4903820; 6168113; 4113920; 5172873; 4598815; 5863625; 4914155; 6348256; 4059540; 5189076
Version 1.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture; Geosciences; Life Sciences; Ecology; Agricultural Sciences; Farming Systems; Microbial Ecology and Applied Microbiology; Biology; Omics; Plant Science