Raw and annotated Orthofinder results on 61 nematode and 2 tardigrade (used as outgroup) species. The annotated list of species with description of the abbreviated names is available at https://doi.org/10.15454/IIAQOW
Four files are provided and described below:
1- Orthogroups.GeneCount.tab
Raw Orthofinder result in tab-separated values format: number of proteins per orthogroup per species.
2- Orthogroups-Gene-Counts.xlsx
Number of genes per orthogroup per species.
Annotated Orthofinder results in xlsx format.The Excel file is made of 3 different sheets described below:
sheet 1 'Orthogroups.GeneCount': The full results with species sorted by taxonomy and the last column 'Total' indicating the total number of proteins in this orthogroup
sheet 2 'PPN-spec': Orthogroups specific to plant-parasitic nematodes (PPNs). Species sorted by taxonomy. The last three columns are as follows: 'Total'= total number of proteins in the orthogroup; 'Nb.species'= number of species in the orthogroup; 'Nb.tylenchida'= number of tylenchida speces in the orthogroup.
The two last rows are as follows: 'Total in OG'= total number of proteins from this species in PPN-specific orthogroups; 'Total singleton'= total number of single-copy species-specific proteins.
- sheet 3 'Minc-PPN-spec': PPN-specific orthogroups that contain at least one M. incognita protein . The last three columns and two rows are as explained in sheet 2.
3- Orthogroups.tab
Raw Orthofinder result in tab-separated format, orthogroup composition with accession numbers of all the proteins and species prefix.
4- Orthogroups_UnassignedGenes.tab
Proteins that could not be assigned to any orthogroup and thus correspond to species-specific singletons.