Wheat Crop Ontology
The Wheat Crop Ontology list reference variables used for field or greenhouse experimentations and observations on Triticeae (Triticum, Hordeum, Aegilops, …). It is an... -
DNA metabarcoding of foliar fungal communities in conventional and organic vi...
This sequence dataset (FASTQ format) was obtained by metabarcoding foliar fungal communities in conventional and organic vineyards. The ribosomal internal transcribed spacer... -
tdbesc (R Shiny): Interactive dashboard for managing forest-ungulate interact...
A dashboard for managing forest-ungulate interactions. The dashboard is composed of a Shiny application with an interactive interface to (i) visualise time series and maps, (ii)... -
Modélisation matricielle de la structure et du fonctionnement des systèmes ex...
fr@ Ce jeu de données représente l’organisation et la répartition des flux de matières au sein des systèmes expérimentés sur l’installation expérimentale de Mirecourt. Le... -
The electrical capacitance (F) of the bio-sensor, the carbon dioxide (%) rele...
This document describes the evolution of electrical capacitance of the gluten due to the evolution of carbone dioxid concentration that depends on the microbial growth. This... -
RPG complété 2019 département 50
RPG complété 2019. Complète le RPG campagne 2019 pour le département 50. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),... -
Replication data for : Impact of DNA extraction and sampling methods on bacte...
Information data on the diversity of bacterial communities present on 12 samples of cold smoked salmon, 18 samples of stainless steal coupons placed in a food processing... -
Simulation Code for comparison of uni- and bivariate analysis in mixed croppi...
Simulation code for Haug, Benedikt, Monika M. Messmer, Jérôme Enjalbert, Isabelle Goldringer, Emma Forst, Timothée Flutre, Tristan Mary-Huard, and Pierre Hohmann. “Advances in... -
Science for policy 6: Urban planning: sealing the future of soil functions - ...
This dataset is part of Deliverable and 5.3 and produced by the WP4 team of the Landmark H2020 project. It contains the following shapefiles: PO6_BAU_NoZoning_50.shp... -
Questionnaire structure of stakeholder survey about biomaterials and biogas ...
The questionnaire for solutions to obtain NoAW biomaterials based on agricultural residues included the introduction of 5 solutions: PHBV biocomposites, biobased epoxy resins,... -
Leaf microbiome data for European cultivated grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) du...
Grapevine downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) is a major disease of European cultivated grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) against which a large amount of synthetic pesticides are... -
RPG complété 2018 département 55
RPG complété 2018. Complète le RPG campagne 2018 pour le département 55. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),... -
Data set for LC-MS
Metabolomic analyses of leaf of sunflower plants cultivated outdoors in a phenotyping facility in well-watered or water-deficit conditions. Analyses performed on 24 genotypes (8... -
Data from "Little impact of NaCl reduction in Swiss-type cheese" submitted to...
Raw mass spectrometry data supporting the manuscript "Little impact of NaCl reduction in Swiss-type cheese" submitted to Frontiers in Nutrition, section Food Chemistry. Authors:... -
RPG complété 2018 département 80
RPG complété 2018. Complète le RPG campagne 2018 pour le département 80. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),... -
Durum wheat phenotypic and genotypic data associated to the paper Fréville et...
The dataset, comprising phenotypic and genetic data for 52 genotypes of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum), is made available in support of the paper: Fréville H, Roumet... -
Enabling reusability of plant phenomic datasets with MIAPPE 1.1 - Supplementa...
Exemplar dataset demonstrating the use of MIAPPE as described in "Enabling reusability of plant phenomic datasets with MIAPPE 1.1". Enabling data reuse and knowledge discovery... -
RPG complété 2019 département 61
RPG complété 2019. Complète le RPG campagne 2019 pour le département 61. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),... -
Frimouss Apple
Fruit features : Fruit growth has been measured from anthesis to harvest on plants with regular crop load. The anthesis date have been observed in order to describe the data... -
Gene ontology of proteins detected in different milk fractions and lactation ...
The Gene Ontology (GO) dataset provided functional annotations of proteins, from milk fractions and lactation stages, according to GO enrichment among the biological process,...