Replication data for: "Gene Regulatory Network Inference Methodology for Genomic and Transcriptomic Data Acquired in Genetically Related Heterozygote Individuals", 100 simulated datasets of RNA gene expressions of sunflower hybrids


Replication data for: "Gene regulatory network inference methodology for genomic and transcriptomic data acquired in genetically related heterozygote individuals": 100 simulated datasets of RNA gene expressions of sunflower hybrids.

This data set includes the 100 simulated datasets that have been used in the paper "Gene regulatory network inference methodology for genomic and transcriptomic data acquired in genetically related heterozygote individuals", Bioinformatics, 2022,

They are artificial expression datasets created with the data simulator SysGenSIM (modified) from the same gene regulatory network: artificialDataSet_network.csv.

The files that have been used to generate the 100 expression datasets are also included (activation/repression sign networkSign and heterosis effect zMatrix directories).

The "networks" directory contains the learned networks. The network inference method can be found here.

For the description of the files, and the dimensions, see README.txt.

Metadata Access
Creator Pomiès, Lise; Brouard, Céline; Duruflé, Harold; Maigné, Élise; Carré, Clément; Gody, Louise; Trösser, Fulya; Katsirelos, George; Mangin, Brigitte; Langlade, Nicolas; de Givry, Simon
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor Maigne, Elise
Publication Year 2020
Rights etalab 2.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Maigne, Elise (INRAE)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values; text/tsv; application/octet-stream; text/csv; text/plain
Size 4682602; 139701; 3552; 662309; 662756; 662648; 661996; 662185; 661653; 662583; 662696; 662629; 662397; 654928; 655689; 660526; 662133; 661594; 657579; 662441; 657397; 661972; 657571; 657995; 663495; 655256; 656055; 658440; 657811; 657946; 659833; 659784; 658367; 660991; 661233; 661593; 662211; 661906; 661873; 661734; 661994; 661931; 661823; 661937; 660460; 661805; 662239; 662958; 660842; 659207; 660968; 661912; 662615; 662244; 662427; 662302; 662551; 662216; 662327; 661964; 662207; 662231; 662188; 660954; 661978; 661909; 662109; 661947; 661905; 657331; 661488; 662072; 659982; 661273; 659349; 660580; 659100; 660540; 662132; 662487; 660064; 662460; 661641; 661591; 662323; 661735; 662154; 661830; 661021; 661958; 659689; 661775; 662024; 661987; 661305; 662081; 661988; 662023; 662142; 661868; 662176; 661869; 36; 4603; 4586; 4587; 4607; 4590; 4592; 4605; 4591; 4599; 259993; 251719; 258559; 264784; 255565; 265132; 248611; 251050; 258052; 255601; 2411; 17656; 1787; 1807; 1802; 1848; 1796; 1842; 1830; 1801; 1833; 1743; 1944; 1789; 1832; 1822; 1798; 1836; 1818; 1748; 1811; 1809; 1855; 1862; 1835; 1821; 1871; 1857; 1804; 1950; 1840; 1828; 1881; 1844; 1879; 1845; 1812; 1838; 1808; 1785; 1777; 1865; 1873; 1846; 1816; 1794; 1878; 1817; 1858; 1834; 1813; 1831; 1841; 1872; 1859; 1877; 1861; 1827; 1770; 1736; 1773; 1781; 1740; 1860; 1825; 1820; 1775; 1800; 1851; 1819; 1799; 1823
Version 6.1
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture; Life Sciences; Agricultural Sciences; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Basic Biological and Medical Research; Biology; Medicine; Omics; Plant Science