Replication Data for: Contextually determined or semantically distinct? The c...
Dataset description This post provides the data and R scripts for analysis of data on the variation between long form nominative, short form nominative, and instrumental case in... -
Replication Data for: Using Modeling Languages to Visualize Role Interactions...
This data set contains 33 modeling diagrams used to model incident response procedures in security-safety incident response from two Norwegian oil and gas companies. The file... -
Aurora Vent Field (82.9N, Fram Strait) surface sediment geochemistry, grain s...
Sedimentological and geochemical datasets of sediment cores collected from Aurora Vent Field (82.9N) in the Fram Strait during HACON21 (MC-148, BlaC-01, BlaC-03, GC-191, GC-193)... -
Replication Data for: Dataset of Consumer-Based Activity Trackers as a Tool f...
Data were collected from 113 participants, who shared their physical activity (PA) data using privately owned smart watches and activity trackers from Garmin and Fitbit. This... -
Supporting Data for: Allochrony in Atlantic lumpfish: genomic and otolith sha...
This data set contains two datasets. Firstly, the Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) genotypes for the Atlantic lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) used in the population genomics... -
Raw data for "Migration of endocrine and metabolism disrupting chemicals from...
This dataset contains the raw data of the chemical analysis described in the associated publication, namely the mass spectral data of the plastic extracts and migrates analyzed... -
Replication Data for: Phonetic reduction in native and non-native English spe...
Dataset abstract This dataset contains the results from 40 L1 British English, 80 Belgian Dutch and 80 European Spanish listeners, who were exposed to English speakers with a... -
Replication Data for: Chromosome-level de novo genome assembly of wild, anoxi...
This dataset contains the annotated version of the crucian carp (Carassius carassius) genome, including the annotation and other associated files. The full genome assembly (290... -
Amalie Wergelands application for remission of fine
Scanned folder from the collections of The National Archives in Norway. Archival reference AV/RA-S-1037/D/Da/L0126: Journalsaker A 2 nr. 1201-1350. (Justisdepartementet,... -
Data repository for: Relative sea-level trends in southern Norway during the ...
This dataset contains all supplementary data for: Relative sea-level trends in southern Norway during the last millennium. It is organized as follows: - 01 - Tidal data October... -
Replication Data for: Sleep problems were unrelated to social media use in th...
The purpose of the dataset is to enable the replication of results as reported in the article: Bonsaksen, T., Price, D., Lamph, G., Kabelenga, I., & Geirdal, A. Ø. (2025).... -
Supplementary Data for: Cellulose as a Sustainable Reagent in Flotation: Mech...
The dataset includes search results from the Scopus database, using various sets of keywords: 1) 'Nanocellulose', 2) 'Cellulose' and 'Flotation' 3) 'Nano', 'Cellulose' and... -
UnrealGaussianStat: Synthetic dataset for statistical analysis on Novel View ...
The dataset comprises three dynamic scenes characterized by both simple and complex lighting conditions. The quantity of cameras ranges from 4 to 512, including 4, 6, 8, 10,... -
Supplementary Data for "Geochemistry and petrogenesis of silicic ignimbrites ...
Supplementary datasets and figures for the Alnsjo area north of Oslo. Location data for samples used in geochemical analyses are provided in supplementary information 1.... -
Replication Data for: "Vortex structures under dimples and scars in turbulent...
This data archive (along with parts 1-3) contains simulation data for direct numerical simulations of isotropic turbulence interacting with a free surface, for different... -
Replication Data for: "Vortex structures under dimples and scars in turbulent...
This data archive (along with parts 1, 2 and 4) contains simulation data for direct numerical simulations of isotropic turbulence interacting with a free surface, for different... -
Supporting data for: Accelerated Sarcopenia Phenotype in the DJ-1/Park7-Knock...
This dataset represent muscle samples from 4 and 12 month- old wild type and DJ-1/PARK7 knockout zebrafish labeled with TMT16-plex.Eclipse Orbitrap instrument was used and the... -
Replication Data for: "Vortex structures under dimples and scars in turbulent...
This data archive (along with parts 1, 3 and 4) contains simulation data for direct numerical simulations of isotropic turbulence interacting with a free surface, for different... -
Supporting data for: Postglacial history of a widespread forest fungus in Eur...
While postglacial migration patterns have been well-studied in plants and animals in Europe, the same is not true for microorganisms such as fungi, and it remains unclear... -
Replication Data for: Trapdoor viscous remanent magnetization
Jupyter notebooks to generate several Figures of "Trapdoor viscous remanent magnetization". The programs and functions in the notebooks can be used to vary model parameters and...