The Interpretation and Translation of the Greek Term Sarx in Paul's Letter
1. List of occurrences of the Greek term Sarx in Josephus (ancient writer) 2. List of occurrences of the Greek term Sarx in Paul's Letters (ancient writer, New Testament) 3.... -
Replication Data for: A synopsis of bryophyte-lichen syntaxa in the Netherlands.
This dataset contains vegetation relevés from the Netherlands. These were used to compile a syntaxonomic classification. The result is a first complete overview of... -
Replication Data for: Inter-rater reliability of the Silverman and Andersen ...
Background There are various methods of respiratory support available to optimize respiratory function in preterm infants. Respiratory scoring tools might provide... -
Replication Data for: (Im)polite uses of vocatives in present-day Madrilenian...
Dataset abstract: This dataset contains one datafile (.csv) used to create the graphs and tables in the paper "(Im)polite uses of vocatives in present-day Madrilenian... -
Replication data for "Pre-Pennsylvanian faulting in Billefjorden, central Spi...
The dataset includes structural field measurements of fracture surfaces in Proterozoic basement rocks in Billefjorden (Ebbadalen), uninterpreted field and aerial photographs,... -
Supplementary information for: "Evaluation of three commercial ELISA tests fo...
Early and accurate diagnosis is fundamental for successful surveillance and control of maedi-visna virus (MVV). Our study aimed to evaluate three commercial ELISA tests for MVV... -
Replication data for "The Billefjorden Fault Zone north of Spitsbergen: A maj...
High-resolution of the figures in Koehl & Allaart (2021; "The Billefjorden Fault Zone north of Spitsbergen: A major terrane boundary?"). CorelDraw, 2017 -
Replication data for: It takes a community to maintain a tree hollow: food we...
Data from the publication 'It takes a community to maintain a tree hollow: food web complexity enhances decomposition and wood mould production'. Background: Veteran trees are... -
Replication data for "Impact of Timanian thrust systems on the late Neoproter...
High-resolution versions of the figures of the Koehl et al. (2021; "Impact of Timanian thrust systems on the late Neoproterozoic–Phanerozoic tectonic evolution of the Barents... -
Replication Data for: Implications of Timanian thrust systems in the Barents ...
Figure_1a-b: high-resolution version of Figure 1a-b in the above-mentioned manuscript. Figure caption from the manuscript: (a) Overview of Timanian thrust systems and... -
Fieldwork photographs Billefjorden July 2021
Fieldwork photographs of July 2021 excursion to Billefjorden. Day 0: boat journey onboard Polargirl (company: Polar Charter) from Longyearbyen to Diabasodden and then Pyramiden.... -
Replication Data for: Consistent diel activity patterns of forest mammals amo...
This repository contains data sets and scripts employed for the manuscript "Consistent diel activity patterns of forest mammals among tropical regions" The data provided in... -
Replication data for DAS4Tracking - strain data for localization study
This data set is a subset of the data used to conduct the research as presented in a manuscript entitled "Simultaneous Tracking of Multiple Whales using two Fibre-Optic Cables... -
Replication Data for: 'Sedimentary deformation relating to episodic seepage i...
The dataset contains high resolution seismic (.segy) acquired using the 3D P-cable system onboard the RV Helmer Hanssen on research cruise CAGE 18-4... -
Arbeidsmåtene i barnehagen
Dette er en kvantitativ studie av arbeidsmåtene i norske barnehager. Spørreskjemaet ble sendt til alle ansatte i norske barnehager i 2022, og fikk over 2000 respondenter. Målet... -
Replication data for: Perinatal exposure to a human relevant mixture of persi...
Complete raw data for the results presented in the manuscript Perinatal exposure to a human relevant mixture of persistent organic pollutants: Effects on mammary gland... -
Replication data for: "Early Cenozoic Eurekan strain partitioning and decoupl...
High-resolution versions of the figures and supplements of the Koehl (2020) manuscript entitled "Early Cenozoic Eurekan strain partitioning and decoupling in central... -
An RNA-seq time series of the medaka pituitary gland during sexual maturation
Directing both organismal homeostasis and physiological adaptation, the pituitary is a key endocrine gland in all vertebrates. One of its major tasks is to coordinate sexual... -
Replication Data for: Spawning time in adult polar cod (Boreogadus saida) alt...
This data set represents the raw data findings from the AeN Fram Centre (MIKON) experiment exposing wild-caught polar cod (Boreogadus saida) adults to the water-soluble...