Thermal transport of Li₃PS₄ solid electrolytes with ab initio accuracy
The vast amount of computational studies on electrical conduction in solid-state electrolytes is not mirrored by comparable efforts addressing thermal conduction, which has been... -
DFT calculations of the electronic structure of CoPt in L1₁ and A1 structures
Spintronics applications for high-density non-volatile memories require simultaneous optimization of the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) and current-induced... -
Time-resolved oxidation state changes are key to elucidating the bifunctional...
In a unified regenerative fuel cell (URFC) or reversible fuel cell the oxygen bifunctional catalyst must switch reversibly between the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), fuel cell... -
Uncovering the origin of interface stress enhancement and compressive-to-tens...
The intrinsic stress in nanomultilayers (NMLs) is typically dominated by interface stress, which is particularly high in immiscible Cu/W NMLs. Here, atomistic simulations with a... -
Nuclear quantum effects on the electronic structure of water and ice
The electronic properties and optical response of ice and water are intricately shaped by their molecular structure, including the quantum mechanical nature of hydrogen atoms.... -
Computational Design of Transition Metal Catalysts for Hydrodefluorination of...
The C-F activation is one of the important processes in chemical synthesis. Here, we studied the hydrodefluorination of PhCF3 with SiMe2Ph-H catalyzed by Ni(0) complexes. The... -
Temperature-invariant crystal-glass heat conduction: from meteorites to refra...
The thermal conductivities of crystals and glasses vary strongly and with opposite trends upon heating, decreasing in crystals and increasing in glasses. Here, we show---with... -
"Fraternal-twin” ferroelectricity: competing polar states in hydrogen-doped ...
This work explores hydrogen-doped samarium nickelate from first-principles calculations. At a concentration of 1/4 hydrogen per formula unit we find a number of polar states due... -
Dataset of disorder-stabilized unfavorable coordination in complex ABX₂ compo...
The crystal structure of a material is essentially determined by the nature of its chemical bonding. Consequently, the atomic coordination intimately correlates with the degree... -
Solvation free energies from machine learning molecular dynamics
In this paper, we propose an extension to the approach of [Xi, C; et al. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2022, 18, 6878] to calculate ion solvation free energies from first-principles... -
Dramatic acceleration of the Hopf cyclization on gold(111): from enediynes to...
Hopf et al. first reported the high-temperature 6π-electrocyclization of cis-hexa-1,3-diene-5-yne to benzene in 1969. Subsequent studies using this cyclization have been limited... -
A bridge between trust and control: Computational workflows meet automated ba...
Compliance with good research data management practices means trust in the integrity of the data, and it is achievable by a full control of the data gathering process. In this... -
Tailoring magnetism of graphene nanoflakes via tip-controlled dehydrogenation
Atomically precise graphene nanoflakes called nanographenes have emerged as a promising platform to realize carbon magnetism. Their ground state spin configuration can be... -
Emergent half-metal with mixed structural order in (111)-oriented (LaMnO₃)₂ₙ|...
Using first-principles techniques, we study the structural, magnetic, and electronic properties of (111)-oriented (LaMnO₃)₂ₙ|(SrMnO₃)ₙ superlattices of varying thickness... -
Unearthing the foundational role of anharmonicity in heat transport in glasses
The time-honored Allen-Feldman theory of heat transport in glasses is generally assumed to predict a finite value for the thermal conductivity, even if it neglects the... -
The energy landscape of magnetic materials
Magnetic materials can display many solutions to the electronic-structure problem, corresponding to different local or global minima of the energy functional. In Hartree-Fock or... -
Seebeck coefficient of ionic conductors from Bayesian regression analysis
We propose a novel approach to evaluating the ionic Seebeck coefficient in electrolytes from relatively short equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations, based on the Green-Kubo... -
Electronic decoupling and hole-doping of graphene nanoribbons on metal substr...
In this record we provide the data to support our recent finding on the intercalation of gold chloride underneath atomically precise graphene nanoribbons (GNRs). GNRs have a... -
Ferrimagnetism induced by thermal vibrations in oxygen-deficient manganite he...
Super-exchange most often leads to antiferromagnetism in transition-metal perovskite oxides, yet ferromagnetism or ferrimagnetism would be preferred for many applications, for... -
Quantum phase diagram of high-pressure hydrogen
The interplay between electron correlation and nuclear quantum effects makes our understanding of elemental hydrogen a formidable challenge. Here, we present the phase diagram...