Direct and Indirect Measurement of Complex Poisson's Ratio - Direct Measureme...
This data set contains directly determined complex Poisson's ratio from axial and transversal strain measurements. Here, the axial and transverse strains were measured locally... -
Data for: Optimized Sequences for Nonlinearity Estimation and Self-Interferen...
The dataset offers sequences that are optimized for nonlinearity estimation. The sequences are compliant to IEEE 802.11 standards and are given as binary phase shift keying... -
Direct and Indirect Measurement of Complex Poisson's Ratio - Indirect Measure...
This data set contains indirectly calculated complex Poisson's ratio by determining the complex Young's E and complex shear modulus G from torsion and tension measurements. The... -
Direct and Indirect Measurement of Complex Poisson's Ratio - Direct Measureme...
This data set contains directly determined complex Poisson's ratio from axial and transversal strain measurements. Here, the axial and transverse strains were measured locally... -
D1244 sensor data (July 2023)
General information: This dataset contains measurements from the adaptive high-rise demonstrator building D1244, built in the scope of the CRC1244. This 36m high building is... -
Replication Data for: Cornuspline path planning algorithm for the fabrication...
This dataset contains all the validation data that presented within the paper "Cornuspline path planning algorithm for the fabrication of coreless wound fiber-polymer composite... -
preCICE Distribution Version v2211.0
The preCICE distribution is the larger ecosystem around preCICE, which includes the core library, language bindings, adapters for popular solvers, tutorials, and vagrant files... -
Ion Flow Through Neural Ion Membrane: scripts and data
The scripts and data are related to the numerical implementation of a quantitative model for ion flow through neural ion channels and a validation of the underlying single ion... -
Replication Data for: Data-Parallel Radial-Basis Function Interpolation in pr...
This dataset contains setup and result files for the performance measurements presented in Schneider et al. "Data-Parallel Radial-Basis Function Interpolation in preCICE".... -
Replication data for analyzing stable water isotopologue transport within soi...
Replication data to reproduce the results presented in J. Schneider & S. Kiemle, K. Heck, Y. Rothfuss, I. Braud, R. Helmig, J. Vanderborght (2024) Analysis of Experimental... -
Setups for and Outcomes of Immiscible Liquid Droplet Collision Simulations
Tabulated data of the setups and outcomes of the immiscible liquid and single liquid droplet collisions for the publication Johanna Potyka, Kathrin Schulte: A volume of fluid... -
Replication Data for: "High-density magnetomyography is superior to high-dens...
This dataset contains simulated high-density magnetomyography data and high-desnity surface elecoromyography data that was generated for the publication High-density... -
Measurements of soil temperatures and moisture content
These measurements are taken in the subsurface at the pilot site next to the weather station of the University of Stuttgart and used to calibrate and validate our pde-based... -
Measured hydrometeorologic data
Solving the energy balance at the atmosphere-subsurface interface drives heat input (in the summer) into the subsurface. We use this subsequently to calculate heat transport and... -
Docker Container to setup modelling environment and create results for a 1-D-...
The Dumux source code is provided in a docker container, which compiles and produces an executable, which models heat transport and water flow from the atmosphere to the... -
Reproduction data for: A preCICE-FMI Runner to Couple FMUs to PDE-Based Simul...
Input files and results for two simulation examples using the preCICE-FMI runner as described in "A preCICE-FMI Runner to Couple FMUs to PDE-Based Simulations". First, the... -
D1244 sensor data (June 2023)
General information: This dataset contains measurements from the adaptive high-rise demonstrator building D1244, built in the scope of the CRC1244. This 36m high building is... -
Poster for deRSE19 Conference: Software Sustainability for the Open-Source P...
MegaMol is an open-source prototyping framework for the interactive visualization of large particle-based data. Its flexible, modular architecture allows it also to serve as... -
Floor Plate Segmentation Data
This repository contains the geometric results of six developed computational floor plate segmentation methods as applied to sixteen example floor plans. It includes the floor... -
Experimental results for Bioinspired Preactivation Reflex Increases Robustnes...
This dataset contains the experimental results and postprocessing script (Matlab, Mathworks, Natick, MA) to obtain the plots and results described in the paper "Bioinspired...